# APRS This is an on-going repository for the Automatic Positioning Reporting System (APRS) Network This repo includes support for Direwolf, rtl_fm & kissutil This repo is split into multiple directories with "Cross-Band Digipeater Support" "Simplex Digipeater Support" "RTL-SDR RX Only IGate Support" ## Installation You're going to need "rtl-sdr" https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/rtl-sdr/ (If you plan on using an rtl-sdr) "direwolf" https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/direwolf (IIRC "kissutil is included in this package) "telnet" https://archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/inetutils/ ## Usage Ensure that you clone this repo into your `/home/$USER/` directory so that everything can run seamlessly _______________ To simply run direwolf for you rigs run Simplex VHF: `direwolf -c /home/$USER/aprs/Simplex-Support/direwolf_VHF-APRS.conf` Simplex UHF: `direwolf -c /home/$USER/aprs/Simplex-Support/direwolf_UHF-APRS.conf` Simplex 10m: `direwolf -c /home/$USER/aprs/Simplex-Support/direwolf_10m-APRS.conf` Cross-Band: `direwolf -c /home/$USER/aprs/Cross-Band_Support/direwolf_MultiBands.conf` Everyone's setup is different, Please ensure you have checked your `PTT` method (If you're using an RPi your PTT method will be via the GPIO pins) You can find the documentation on GPIO PTT here: https://www.marcelpost.com/wiki/index.php/GPIO_pin_on_the_RPi_to_trigger_PTT `ADEVICE` (You can find this by running `aplay -l` and `arecord -l` _______________ If you intend on using "RTL-SDR(s)" You're going to want to move `aprs-1200b.service` and `aprs-9600b.service` from `/systemd-services/` to `/etc/system/systemd/` To enable these as services so that they run on /BOOT/ run in your terminal ``` sudo systemctl enable --now aprs-1200b.service sudo systemctl enable --now aprs-9600b.service ``` _______________ To run the RTL-SDR(s) by themselves and not as a `systemd` service simply just run `bash 1200b_RTL-SDR_APRS.sh` or `1200b-10m_RTL-SDR_APRS.sh` or `bash 9600b_RTL-SDR_APRS.sh` This should give you a `print` of whats going on in your terminal window such as packets recieved _______________ This repo also includes a method to send messages to other stations by utilizing the kissutil In the "APRS-Messaging" directory is a shell script that you will need to edit for your station such as ``` USER="ab1cde" PASS="12345" ``` Ensure you have this correctly changed for your station Usage of running the script is very simple ``` bash aprs-message.sh "callsign you want to send a message to" "your message" ``` This will telnet into the APRS-IS system with your login details and first send the message over TCPIP It will secondly send the message over RF over the KISS TNC via WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,APRS,TCPIP ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. ## Credits A very special thanks goes to Emma/Everett (KX4AT) for their amazing help putting this some of this config together, for resparking my interest again in Packet Radio and staying up until all hours of the morning/evening answering my stupid questions "Help! I'm trapped in a digipeater! :C (Direwolf 08.18.23)" -KX4AT-10 ## Notes The "direwolf_UHF direwolf_VHF direwolf_10m .conf" 's include an ibeacon to "TOOT" A Mastodon bot that posts your APRS Messages to the Fediverse Social Media platform You can find your posts by navigating to "https://aprs.internaluse.net/@"your callsign" This is maintained by Crossy (VK4XSS/VK3FUR) If you do not wish for this to occur, Please comment out the "Mastodon Beacon" ``` #-----------------# # Mastodon Beacon # #-----------------# # https://aprs.internaluse.net/@{Your Callsign Here}/ # Do not attach your SSID "-#" to the end of your Callsign, Simply just your call as is :-) IBEACON sendto=IG delay=1 every=180 via=TOOT ``` _______________ Currently as far as I'm aware there is no easy way to get the RTL-SDR to run at 300 baud on Sideband for HF APRS Short of using an SDR software such as "gqrx" and piping audio into a loopback device and creating a custom config for decoding HF packets, This is unfortunely a limitation of the RTL-SDR software ## Future development I will try to maintain this repo as best as I can, I'm still working on some stuff in the background so expect changes from time to time Until next push Meow :3