#!/usr/bin/env bash ### # Variables ### ### #TimeOfDay=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%T) # while [ ! $# -eq 0 ] do case "$1" in --help | -h) echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'Welcome to the HF Weather Conditions script made by VK1TTY' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'This script requires `ImageMagik` to display the images' echo 'Please ensure that it is downloaded on your system' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'This script downloads images to your /tmp/ directory' echo 'and gives them their own directory based on your System Time and Date' echo 'Example /tmp/Year Month Day Hour Minute_muf' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'This script has a couple of flags shown below.' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-h, --help is the help menu' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-d is for current Global D Region Absorption Predictions' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-np is for the current North Pole D Region Absorption Predictions' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-sp is for the current South Pole D Region Absorption Predictions' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-m is for the Maximum Usable Frequency Map' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-f2 is for the Critical Frequency (foF2) Map. ' echo 'This one is simpler than MUF' echo 'it`s the highest frequency that you can use for NVIS ' echo '(skywave communication "in your own backyard")' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-sr is for the latest Sunspot Regions Image' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-ch is for the latest Coronal Holes Image' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '-sf is for the latest Solar Flares Image' echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' exit 0 ############END OF HELP ;; --drap | -d ) echo "Getting the latest Global D Region Absorption Prediction Image" if bash scripts/global-drap.sh; then echo 'Global DRAP Downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --north | -np ) echo "Getting the latest North Pole Global D Region Absorption Prediction Image" if bash scripts/north-pole-drap.sh; then echo 'Global DRAP map downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --south | -sp ) echo "Getting the latest South Pole Global D Region Absorption Prediction Image" if bash scripts/south-pole-drap.sh; then echo 'South Polar DRAP Image downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --muf | -m ) echo "Getting the latest Maximum Usable Frequency Image" if bash scripts/muf.sh; then echo 'Maximum Usable Frequency Image Downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --fof2 | -f2 ) echo "Getting the latest Critical Frequency (foF2) Image." if bash scripts/foF2.sh; then echo 'foF2 Downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --sunspots | -sr) echo "Getting the latest Sunspot Regions Image." if bash scripts/sunspot-regions.sh; then echo 'Sunspot Region Image Downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --coronal | -ch) echo "Getting the latest Coronal Holes Image." if bash scripts/coronal-holes.sh; then echo 'Coronal Holes Image Downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; --flares | -sf) echo "Getting the latest Solar Flares Image." if bash scripts/solar-flares.sh; then echo 'Solar Flares Image Downloaded' else exit 1 fi ;; esac shift done echo "Script completed"