whisper.cat/weboasis/arcade/3dcity/src/MapGenerator - Copie.js

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2023-10-05 23:28:32 +11:00
/* micropolisJS. Adapted by Graeme McCutcheon from Micropolis.
* This code is released under the GNU GPL v3, with some additional terms.
* Please see the files LICENSE and COPYING for details. Alternatively,
* consult http://micropolisjs.graememcc.co.uk/LICENSE and
* http://micropolisjs.graememcc.co.uk/COPYING
Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL = -1;//level for tree creation
Micro.TERRAIN_LAKE_LEVEL = -1; //level for river curviness; -1==auto, 0==none, >0==level
Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL = -1;//level for lake creation; -1==auto, 0==none, >0==level
Micro.generateMap = function() {
// w = w || Micro.MAP_WIDTH;
// h = h || Micro.MAP_HEIGHT;
this.SRMatrix = [
[ 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0 ],
[ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
[ 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0 ]
/*[0, 0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.REDGE, 0, 0],
[0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE, 0],
[Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE],
[Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE],
[0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE, 0],
[0, 0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.REDGE, 0, 0]*/
this.BRMatrix = [
[ 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0 ],
[ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
[ 0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0 ]
/*[0, 0, 0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.REDGE, Tile.REDGE, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE, 0, 0],
[0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE, 0],
[Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE],
[Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE],
[0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE, 0],
[0, 0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.RIVER, Tile.REDGE, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, Tile.REDGE, Tile.REDGE, Tile.REDGE, 0, 0, 0]*/
this.riverEdges = [
13, 13, 17, 15,
5 , 2 , 19, 17,
9 , 11, 2 , 13,
7 , 9 , 5 , 2/*
13 | Tile.BULLBIT, 13 | Tile.BULLBIT, 17 | Tile.BULLBIT, 15 | Tile.BULLBIT,
5 | Tile.BULLBIT, 2, 19 | Tile.BULLBIT, 17 | Tile.BULLBIT,
9 | Tile.BULLBIT, 11 | Tile.BULLBIT, 2, 13 | Tile.BULLBIT,
7 | Tile.BULLBIT, 9 | Tile.BULLBIT, 5 | Tile.BULLBIT, 2*/
//this.map = new Micro.GameMap(w, h);
// Construct land.
/*if (Micro.TERRAIN_CREATE_ISLAND < 0) {
if (Random.getRandom(100) < 10) {
return this.map;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CREATE_ISLAND === 1) this.makeNakedIsland();
else this.clearMap();
// Lay a river.
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL !== 0) {
var terrainXStart = 40 + Random.getRandom(this.map.width - 80);
var terrainYStart = 33 + Random.getRandom(this.map.height - 67);
var terrainPos = new this.map.Position(terrainXStart, terrainYStart);
// Lay a few lakes.
if (Micro.TERRAIN_LAKE_LEVEL !== 0) this.makeLakes();
// And add trees.
if (Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL !== 0) this.doTrees();
return this.map;*/
Micro.generateMap.prototype = {
constructor: Micro.generateMap,
construct : function( w, h ){
//console.time("start newmap");
this.map = new Micro.GameMap( w || Micro.MAP_WIDTH, h || Micro.MAP_HEIGHT );
//return this.map;
Micro.TERRAIN_CREATE_ISLAND = Random.getRandom(2) - 1;
if (Random.getRandom(100) < 10) {
return this.map;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CREATE_ISLAND === 1) this.makeNakedIsland();
else this.clearMap();
// Lay a river.
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL !== 0) {
var terrainXStart = 40 + Random.getRandom( this.map.width - 79 );
var terrainYStart = 33 + Random.getRandom( this.map.height - 66 );
var terrainPos = new this.map.Position( terrainXStart, terrainYStart );
this.doRivers( terrainPos );
// Lay a few lakes.
if (Micro.TERRAIN_LAKE_LEVEL !== 0) this.makeLakes();
// And add trees.
if (Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL !== 0) this.doTrees();
//console.timeEnd("start newmap");
return this.map;
clearMap : function() {
var x, y, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
for ( x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for ( y = 0; y < H; y++) {
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.DIRT));
this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.DIRT, 0);
clearUnnatural : function() {
var x, y, tileValue, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
for ( x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for ( y = 0; y < H; y++) {
tileValue = this.map.getTileValue(x, y);
if (tileValue > Tile.WOODS)
this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.DIRT, 0);
//this.map.setTo( x, y, new Micro.Tile( Tile.DIRT ) );
makeNakedIsland : function() {
this.map.isIsland = true;
var terrainIslandRadius = Micro.ISLAND_RADIUS;
var x, y, mapX, mapY, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
for ( y = 0; y < H; y++)
for ( x = 0; x < W; x++)
//map[y][x] = RIVER;
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.RIVER));
this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.RIVER, 0);
for ( y = 5; y < H - 5; y++)
for ( x = 5; x < W - 5; x++)
//map[y][x] = DIRT;
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.DIRT));
this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.DIRT, 0);
/*for ( x = 0; x < W; x++ ) {
for (y = 0; y < H; y++) {
if ((x < 5) || (x >= W - 5) || (y < 5) || (y >= H - 5)) {
//this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.RIVER, 0);//
this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.RIVER));
} else {
//this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.DIRT, 0);///
this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.DIRT));
for (x = 0; x < W - 5; x += 2) {
mapY = Random.getERandom(terrainIslandRadius+1);
this.plopBRiver(new this.map.Position(x, mapY));
mapY = (H - 10) - Random.getERandom(terrainIslandRadius+1);
this.plopBRiver( new this.map.Position( x, mapY ))
this.plopSRiver( new this.map.Position( x, 0 ));
this.plopSRiver( new this.map.Position( x, H - 6 ));
for ( y = 0; y < H - 5; y += 2 ) {
mapX = Random.getERandom( terrainIslandRadius+1 );
this.plopBRiver( new this.map.Position( mapX, y ));
mapX = W - 10 - Random.getERandom(terrainIslandRadius+1);
this.plopBRiver( new this.map.Position( mapX, y ));
this.plopSRiver( new this.map.Position( 0, y ));
this.plopSRiver( new this.map.Position( W - 6, y ));
/*makeLand : function() {
console.time("start land");
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL !== 0) {
var terrainXStart = 40 + Random.getRandom( this.map.width - 80 );
var terrainYStart = 33 + Random.getRandom( this.map.height - 67 );
var terrainPos = new this.map.Position( terrainXStart, terrainYStart );
console.time("start river");
this.doRivers( terrainPos );
console.timeEnd("start river");
// Lay a few lakes.
console.time("start lake");
if (Micro.TERRAIN_LAKE_LEVEL !== 0) this.makeLakes();
console.timeEnd("start lake");
console.time("start smoothWater");
console.timeEnd("start smoothWater");
console.time("start smoothRiver");
console.timeEnd("start smoothRiver");
// And add trees.
console.time("start tree");
if (Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL !== 0) this.doTrees();
console.timeEnd("start tree")
console.timeEnd("start land");
makeIsland : function() {
//console.time("start island");
//console.timeEnd("start island");
makeLakes : function() {
var x, y, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
var numLakes;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_LAKE_LEVEL < 0) numLakes = Random.getRandom(11);
else numLakes = Micro.TERRAIN_LAKE_LEVEL * 0.5;
while (numLakes > 0) {
x = Random.getRandom( W - 20) + 10;
y = Random.getRandom( H - 19) + 10;
this.makeSingleLake( new this.map.Position(x, y) );
makeSingleLake : function( pos ) {
var numPlops = Random.getRandom(13) + 2;
while (numPlops > 0) {
var plopPos = new this.map.Position(pos, Random.getRandom(13) - 6, Random.getRandom(13) - 6);
if (Random.getRandom(5)) this.plopSRiver(plopPos);
else this.plopBRiver( plopPos );
treeSplash : function( x, y ) {
var numTrees;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL < 0) numTrees = Random.getRandom(150) + 50;
else numTrees = Random.getRandom(100 + (Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL * 2)) + 50;
var treePos = new this.map.Position(x, y);
while (numTrees > 0) {
var dir = Direction.NORTH + Random.getRandom(7);
treePos.move( dir );
// XXX Should use the fact that positions return success/failure for moves
if (!this.map.testBounds(treePos.x, treePos.y)) return;
if ( this.map.getTileValue(treePos) === Tile.DIRT ){
//this.map.setTo(treePos, new Micro.Tile( Tile.WOODS, Tile.BLBNBIT ));
this.map.setTile(treePos, Tile.WOODS, Tile.BLBNBIT);
doTrees : function() {
var i, x, y , amount, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL < 0) amount = Random.getRandom(100) + 50;
else amount = Micro.TERRAIN_TREE_LEVEL + 3;
for ( i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
x = Random.getRandom( W - 1);
y = Random.getRandom( H - 1);
this.treeSplash( x, y );
smoothRiver : function() {
var x, y, z, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height, xt, yt, tt, tb;
var dx = [-1, 0, 1, 0];
var dy = [0, 1, 0, -1];
for ( x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for ( y = 0; y < H; y++) {
if (this.map.getTileValue(x, y) === Tile.REDGE) {
var bitIndex = 0;
for ( z = 0; z < 4; z++) {
bitIndex = bitIndex << 1;
xt = x + dx[z];
yt = y + dy[z];
tb = this.map.testBounds( xt, yt );
tt = this.map.getTileValue( xt, yt );
if( tt !== Tile.DIRT && ( tt < Tile.WOODS_LOW || tt > Tile.WOODS_HIGH ) ) bitIndex++;
//if (this.map.testBounds(xTemp, yTemp) && this.map.getTileValue(xTemp, yTemp) !== Tile.DIRT && (this.map.getTileValue(xTemp, yTemp) < Tile.WOODS_LOW || this.map.getTileValue(xTemp, yTemp) > Tile.WOODS_HIGH)) {
// bitIndex++;
var temp = this.riverEdges[bitIndex & 15];
if ( temp !== Tile.RIVER && Random.getRandom(1) ){ temp++; }
//if ( temp !== Tile.RIVER ){ temp++; }
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(temp));
//this.map.setTile( x, y, temp );
if(temp !== 2 ) this.map.setTile( x, y, temp | Tile.BULLBIT );
else this.map.setTile( x, y, temp );
//this.map.setTileValue(x, y, temp, 0);
isTree : function(tileValue) {
return tileValue >= Tile.WOODS_LOW && tileValue <= Tile.WOODS_HIGH;
smoothTrees : function() {
var x, y, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
for ( x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for ( y = 0; y < H; y++) {
if (this.isTree(this.map.getTileValue(x, y)))
this.smoothTreesAt( x, y, false);
smoothTreesAt : function(x, y, preserve) {
var dx = [-1, 0, 1, 0 ];
var dy = [ 0, 1, 0, -1 ];
var treeTable = [
0, 0, 0, 34,
0, 0, 36, 35,
0, 32, 0, 33,
30, 31, 29, 37
if (!this.isTree(this.map.getTileValue(x, y))) return;
var bitIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bitIndex = bitIndex << 1;
var xTemp = x + dx[i];
var yTemp = y + dy[i];
if (this.map.testBounds(xTemp, yTemp) && this.isTree(this.map.getTileValue(xTemp, yTemp))) bitIndex++;
var temp = treeTable[ bitIndex & 15 ];
if (temp) {
if (temp !== Tile.WOODS) {
if ((x + y) & 1) temp -= 8;
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(temp, Tile.BLBNBIT));
this.map.setTile(x, y, temp, Tile.BLBNBIT);
} else {
if (!preserve) this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(temp));
//if (!preserve) this.map.setTile(x, y, temp, 0);
//if (!preserve) this.map.setTileValue(x, y, temp, 0);
doRivers : function(terrainPos) {
var riverDir = Direction.NORTH + Random.getRandom(3) * 2;
this.doBRiver( terrainPos, riverDir, riverDir );
riverDir = Direction.rotate180(riverDir);
var terrainDir = this.doBRiver( terrainPos, riverDir, riverDir );
riverDir = Direction.NORTH + Random.getRandom(3) * 2;
this.doSRiver( terrainPos, riverDir, terrainDir );
doBRiver : function( riverPos, riverDir, terrainDir) {
var rate1, rate2;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL < 0) {
rate1 = 100;
rate2 = 200;
} else {
rate1 = Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL + 10;
rate2 = Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL + 100;
var pos = new this.map.Position(riverPos);
while (this.map.testBounds(pos.x + 4, pos.y + 4)) {
if (Random.getRandom(rate1+1) < 10) {
terrainDir = riverDir;
} else {
if (Random.getRandom(rate2+1) > 90) terrainDir = Direction.rotate45(terrainDir);
if (Random.getRandom(rate2+1) > 90) terrainDir = Direction.rotate45(terrainDir, 7);
return terrainDir;
doSRiver : function(riverPos, riverDir, terrainDir) {
var rate1, rate2;
if (Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL < 0) {
rate1 = 100;
rate2 = 200;
} else {
rate1 = Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL + 10;
rate2 = Micro.TERRAIN_CURVE_LEVEL + 100;
var pos = new this.map.Position(riverPos);
while (this.map.testBounds(pos.x + 3, pos.y + 3)) {
if (Random.getRandom(rate1+1) < 10) {
terrainDir = riverDir;
} else {
if (Random.getRandom(rate2+1) > 90) terrainDir = Direction.rotate45(terrainDir);
if (Random.getRandom(rate2+1) > 90) terrainDir = Direction.rotate45(terrainDir, 7);
return terrainDir;
putOnMap : function(newVal, x, y) {
if (newVal === 0) return;
if (!this.map.testBounds(x, y)) return;
var tmp = this.map.getTileValue(x, y);
if (tmp !== Tile.DIRT) {
if (tmp === Tile.RIVER && newVal !== Tile.CHANNEL) return;
if (tmp === Tile.CHANNEL) return;
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(newVal));
this.map.setTile(x, y, newVal, 0);
plopBRiver : function(pos) {
for (var x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
this.putOnMap(this.BRMatrix[y][x], pos.x + x, pos.y + y);
plopSRiver : function(pos) {
for (var x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
this.putOnMap(this.SRMatrix[y][x], pos.x + x, pos.y + y);
smoothWater : function() {
var x, y, tile, pos, dir, W = this.map.width, H = this.map.height;
for (x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < H; y++) {
tile = this.map.getTileValue(x, y);
// if (tile >= Tile.WATER_Tile.LOW && tile <= Tile.WATER_Tile.HIGH) {
if (tile >= Tile.WATER_LOW && tile <= Tile.WATER_HIGH) {
pos = new this.map.Position(x, y);
for (dir = Direction.BEGIN; dir < Direction.END; dir = Direction.increment90(dir)) {
tile = this.map.getTileFromMapOrDefault(pos, dir, Tile.WATER_LOW);
// If nearest object is not water:
if (tile < Tile.WATER_LOW || tile > Tile.WATER_HIGH) {
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.REDGE)); // set river edge
this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.REDGE, 0);
break; // Continue with next tile
for (x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < H; y++) {
tile = this.map.getTileValue(x, y);
if (tile !== Tile.CHANNEL && tile >= Tile.WATER_LOW && tile <= Tile.WATER_HIGH) {
var makeRiver = true;
pos = new this.map.Position(x, y);
for (dir = Direction.BEGIN; dir < Direction.END; dir = Direction.increment90(dir)) {
tile = this.map.getTileFromMapOrDefault(pos, dir, Tile.WATER_LOW);
if (tile < Tile.WATER_LOW || tile > Tile.WATER_HIGH) {
makeRiver = false;
//if (makeRiver) this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.RIVER));
if (makeRiver) this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.RIVER, 0);
for (x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < H; y++) {
tile = this.map.getTileValue(x, y);
if (tile >= Tile.WOODS_LOW && tile <= Tile.WOODS_HIGH) {
pos = new this.map.Position(x, y);
for (dir = Direction.BEGIN; dir < Direction.END; dir = Direction.increment90(dir)) {
tile = this.map.getTileFromMapOrDefault(pos, dir, Tile.TILE_INVALID);
if (tile === Tile.RIVER || tile === Tile.CHANNEL) {
//this.map.setTo(x, y, new Micro.Tile(Tile.REDGE)); // make it water's edge
this.map.setTile(x, y, Tile.REDGE, 0);