var d = document.getElementById('debug'); var miniGlCanvas = document.getElementById("miniGlCanvas"); var simulation_timestep = 30; var stats = null; var tilesData = null; var spriteData = null; var gameData = null; var powerData = null; var isMobile = false; var trans = false; var newup = false; var powerup = false; var cityWorker = new Worker( 'js/' ); var view3d, hub, im; var isWithMiniMap = false; var storage; function debug(txt){ d.innerHTML += "
"+txt; } //window.onload = init; function testMobile() { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i)) return true; else return false; } function init(){ isMobile = testMobile(); storage = window.localStorage; //cityWorker = new Worker('js/'); hub = new HUB.Base(); view3d = new V3D.Base(isMobile); if(isWithMiniMap)view3d.initMiniRender(); } //======================================= // 3D LOOP //======================================= function loop() { requestAnimationFrame( loop ); if(newup){ view3d.paintMap(); view3d.moveSprite(); newup = false; } if(powerup){ view3d.showPower(); powerup = false; } if( view3d.mouse.dragView || view3d.mouse.button===3 ){ view3d.dragCenterposition(); }else{ if(!isMobile)view3d.updateKey(); } view3d.renderer.render( view3d.scene, ); if(view3d.isWithStats) view3d.runStats(); if(isWithMiniMap){ view3d.miniCheck(); view3d.miniRenderer.render( view3d.miniScene, view3d.topCamera ); } } //======================================= // SAVE LOAD //======================================= function saveGame(){ var saveCity = []; view3d.saveCityBuild(saveCity); saveCity = JSON.stringify(saveCity); // var cityData = view3d.saveCityBuild(); cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"SAVEGAME", saveCity:saveCity }); } function loadGame(atStart){ var isStart = atStart || false; cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"LOADGAME", isStart:isStart}); } function makeGameSave(gameData, key){ window.localStorage.setItem(key, gameData); console.log("game is save"); } function makeLoadGame(key, atStart){ var isStart = atStart || false; if(atStart){ hub.initGameHub(); } var savegame = window.localStorage.getItem(key); if(savegame){ cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"MAKELOADGAME", savegame:savegame, isStart:isStart}); console.log("game is load"); } else { console.log("No loading game found"); } } function newGameMap(){ console.log("new map"); //saveTextAsFile('test', 'game is saved'); } //======================================= // STATS //======================================= function displayStats() { view3d.isWithStats = true; } function hideStats() { view3d.isWithStats = false; } //======================================= // CITY INIT //======================================= var ARRAY_TYPE; if(!ARRAY_TYPE) { ARRAY_TYPE = (typeof Float32Array !== 'undefined') ? Float32Array : Array; } function start() { initCity(); } function setTimeColors(id) { view3d.setTimeColors(id); } function newMap() { if(view3d.isWithHeight){ view3d.resetHeight();} cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"NEWMAP"}); } function newHeightMap() { view3d.isWithHeight = true; cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"NEWMAP"}); } function playMap() { hub.initGameHub(); view3d.startZoom(); cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"PLAYMAP"}); } function selectTool(id) { view3d.selectTool(id); } function sendTool(name) { cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"TOOL", name:name}); } function setDifficulty(n){ cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"DIFFICULTY", n:n }); } function setSpeed(n){ cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"SPEED", n:n }); } function getBudjet(){ cityWorker.postMessage({ tell:"BUDGET" }); } function setBudjet(budgetData){ cityWorker.postMessage({ tell:"NEWBUDGET", budgetData:budgetData }); } function getEval(){ cityWorker.postMessage({ tell:"EVAL" }); } function setDisaster(disaster){ console.log(disaster); cityWorker.postMessage({ tell:"DISASTER", disaster:disaster }); } function setOverlays(type){ //cityWorker.postMessage({ tell:"OVERLAYS", type:type }); } function destroy(x,y) { cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"DESTROY", x:x, y:y}); } function mapClick() { var p = view3d.pos; if(p.x>0 && p.z>0) cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"MAPCLICK", x:p.x, y:p.z }); } function initCity() { hub.subtitle.innerHTML = "Generating world..."; loop(); cityWorker.postMessage = cityWorker.webkitPostMessage || cityWorker.postMessage; cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"INIT", url:document.location.href.replace(/\/[^/]*$/,"/") + "build/city.3d.min.js", timestep:simulation_timestep }); //cityWorker.postMessage({tell:"INIT", url:document.location.href.replace(/\/[^/]*$/,"/") + "build/city.3d.js", timestep:simulation_timestep }); } cityWorker.onmessage = function(e) { var phase =; if( phase == "NEWMAP"){ tilesData =; view3d.paintMap(,, true); //trans =; hub.start(); } if( phase == "FULLREBUILD"){ if({ //hub.initGameHub(); view3d.startZoom(); } view3d.fullRedraw = true; tilesData =; view3d.paintMap(,, true, true); view3d.loadCityBuild(; } if( phase == "BUILD"){,; } if( phase == "RUN"){ tilesData =; powerData =; spriteData =; hub.updateCITYinfo(; newup = true; if(powerData) powerup = true; } if( phase == "BUDGET"){ hub.openBudget(; } if( phase == "QUERY"){ hub.openQuery(; } if( phase == "EVAL"){ hub.openEval(; } if( phase == "SAVEGAME"){ makeGameSave(,; } if( phase == "LOADGAME"){ makeLoadGame(,; } } //------------------------------------------------------// // THREE JS & SEA3D // //------------------------------------------------------// 'use strict'; var Audio, THREE; var V3D = { REVISION: '0.4' }; V3D.Base = function(isMobile, pix, isLow){ this.metalness = 0.8; this.roughness = 0.5; this.wireframe = false; this.envType = 'base'; this.M_list = ['treeLists' , 'townLists' , 'houseLists' , 'buildingLists' ]; this.M_temp = ['tempTreeLayers', 'temptownLayers', 'tempHouseLayers' , 'tempBuildingLayers' ]; this.M_geom = ['treeGeo' , 'buildingGeo' , 'houseGeo' , 'X' ]; this.M_mesh = ['treeMeshs' , 'townMeshs' , 'houseMeshs' , 'buildingMeshs' ]; this.M_mats = ['townMaterial' , 'townMaterial' , 'buildingMaterial' , 'buildingMaterial' ]; this.pix = pix || 1; this.isLow = isLow || false; this.container = document.getElementById( 'container' ); this.isMobile = isMobile || false; //this.seaBuffer = true; //this.isBuffer = true; this.isWithTree = true; this.isWithLight = true; this.isWithEnv = true;//true; this.isWithNormal = false; this.isWithFog = true; this.isIsland = false; this.isWinter = false; this.isComputeVertex = true; this.isTransGeo = true; this.key = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; if(this.isMobile || this.isLow){ this.isWithTree = false; this.isWithEnv = false; this.isWithNormal = false; this.isWithLight = false; } this.f = [0,0,0]; this.stats = [0,0]; this.isWithStats = false; this.dayTime = 0; this.tcolor = {r:10, g: 15, b: 80, a: 0.9}; this.snd_layzone = new Audio("./sound/layzone.mp3"); this.imgSrc = ['img/tiles32.png','img/town.jpg','img/building.jpg','img/w_building.png','img/w_town.png', 'img/env/'+this.envType+'.jpg'];//, 'img/building_n.png', 'img/town_n.png', 'img/tiles32_n.png' this.imgSrcPlus = ['img/tiles32_w.png','img/town_w.jpg','img/building_w.jpg']; this.winterMapLoaded = false; //if(this.isWinter) this.imgSrc = ['img/tiles32_w.png','img/town_w.jpg','img/building_w.jpg','img/w_building.png','img/w_town.png']; this.rootModel = 'img/world.sea'; this.imgs = []; this.num = 0; this.fullRedraw = false; this.isWithBackground = true; this.isWithHeight = false; this.isColorTest = false; this.deepthTest = false; //this.clock = null; //this.tileSize = 32; = 2; this.ToRad = Math.PI / 180; = null; this.topCamera = null; this.topCameraDistance = 100; this.scene = null; this.renderer = null; this.timer = null; this.imageSrc = null; this.mapCanvas = null; this.miniRenderer = null; this.miniSize = {w:200, h:200}; this.miniCanvas = []; this.miniCtx = []; this.miniCanvasN = []; this.miniCtxN = []; this.txtNeedUpdate = []; this.miniTerrain = []; this.terrainTxt = []; this.forceUpdate = { x:-1, y:-1 }; this.Bulldoze = false; = { horizontal:90, vertical:45, distance:120 }; this.vsize = { x:window.innerWidth, y:window.innerHeight, z:window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight}; this.mouse = { ox:0, oy:0, h:0, v:0, mx:0, my:0, dx:0, dy:0, down:false, over:false, drag:false, click:false , move:true, dragView:false ,button:0 }; this.pos = {x:-1, y:0, z:-1}; = ''; this.meshs = {}; this.mapSize = [128,128]; this.nlayers = 64; this.terrain = null; this.tool = null; this.toolSet = [ {id:0, tool:'none', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:0, sy:0, price:0, color:'none' ,drag:0 }, {id:1, tool:'residential', geo:1, name:'R', build:1, size:3, sy:0.2, price:100, color:'lime' ,drag:0 }, {id:2, tool:'commercial', geo:2, name:'C', build:1, size:3, sy:0.2, price:100, color:'blue' ,drag:0 }, {id:3, tool:'industrial', geo:3, name:'I', build:1, size:3, sy:0.2, price:100, color:'yellow' ,drag:0 }, {id:4, tool:'police', geo:4, name:'', build:1, size:3, sy:1.2, price:500, color:'blue' ,drag:0 }, {id:5, tool:'park', geo:5, name:'', build:1, size:1, sy:0.02, price:10, color:'darkgreen' ,drag:0 }, {id:6, tool:'fire', geo:7, name:'', build:1, size:3, sy:1.2, price:500, color:'red' ,drag:0 }, {id:7, tool:'road', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:1, sy:0.1, price:10, color:'black' ,drag:1 }, {id:8, tool:'bulldozer', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:1, sy:0, price:1, color:'deeppink' ,drag:1 }, {id:9, tool:'rail', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:1, sy:0.15, price:20, color:'brown' ,drag:1 }, {id:10, tool:'coal', geo:8, name:'', build:1, size:4, sy:2, price:3000, color:'gray' ,drag:0 }, {id:11, tool:'wire', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:1, sy:0.05, price:5 , color:'khaki' ,drag:1 }, {id:12, tool:'nuclear', geo:9, name:'', build:1, size:4, sy:2, price:5000, color:'orange' ,drag:0 }, {id:13, tool:'port', geo:10, name:'', build:1, size:4, sy:0.5, price:3000, color:'dodgerblue' ,drag:0 }, {id:14, tool:'stadium', geo:11, name:'', build:1, size:4, sy:2, price:5000, color:'yellowgreen',drag:0 }, {id:15, tool:'airport', geo:12, name:'', build:1, size:6, sy:0.5, price:10000, color:'lightblue' ,drag:0 }, {id:16, tool:'none', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:0, sy:0, price:0, color:'none' ,drag:0 }, {id:17, tool:'query', geo:0, name:'?', build:0, size:1, sy:0, price:0, color:'cyan' ,drag:0 }, {id:18, tool:'none', geo:0, name:'', build:0, size:0, sy:0, price:0, color:'none' ,drag:0 } ]; this.currentTool = null; this.heightData = null; this.tempHeightLayers = []; // textures this.worldTexture = null; this.centralTexture = null; this.serviceTexture = null; this.buildingTexture = null; this.skyTexture = null; // material this.townMaterial = null; this.buildingMaterial = null; this.townCanvas = null; this.buildingCanvas = null; this.groundCanvas = null; this.skyCanvas = null; this.skyCanvasBasic = null; this.townHeigth = null; this.buildingHeigth = null; this.townMap = null; this.buildingMap = null; // geometry this.buildingGeo = null; this.residentialGeo = null; this.commercialGeo = null; this.industrialGeo = null; this.spriteGeo = null; this.treeGeo = null; this.houseGeo = null; this.treeMeshs = []; this.treeLists = []; this.tempTreeLayers = []; this.treeDeepMeshs = []; this.treeValue = []; this.powerMeshs = []; this.powerMaterial = null; this.buildingMeshs = []; this.buildingLists = []; this.tempBuildingLayers = []; this.townMeshs = []; this.townLists = []; this.temptownLayers = []; this.houseMeshs = []; this.houseLists = []; this.tempHouseLayers = []; this.buildingStaticMeshs = []; this.buildingStaticLists = []; this.H = [ 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260 ]; this.R = [ 244, 265, 274, 283, 292, 301, 310, 319, 328, 337, 346, 355, 364, 373, 382, 391, 400, 409, 418 ]; this.C = [ 427, 436, 445, 454, 463, 475, 481, 490, 499, 508, 517, 526, 535, 544, 553, 562, 571, 580, 589, 598, 607 ]; this.I = [ 616, 625, 634, 643, 652, 661, 670, 679, 688 ]; this.tilesUpdateList = []; this.tempDestruct=[]; this.currentLayer = 0; this.spriteLists = ['train', 'elico', 'plane', 'boat', 'monster', 'tornado', 'sparks']; //this.spriteLists = []; this.spriteMeshs = []; this.spriteObjs = {}; // start by loading texture this.loadImages(); } V3D.Base.prototype = { constructor: V3D.Base, init:function() { //if(this.isMobile) this.pix = 0.5; this.clock = new THREE.Clock(); this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 55, this.vsize.z, 0.1, 1000 ); this.scene.add( ); this.rayVector = new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 ); this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); = new THREE.Group(); this.scene.add( ); if( this.isWithFog ){ this.fog = new THREE.Fog( 0xCC7F66, 1, 100 ); this.scene.fog = this.fog; } = new THREE.Vector3(); = this.mapSize[0]*0.5; = this.mapSize[1]*0.5; this.moveCamera(); this.ease = new THREE.Vector3(); this.easeRot = new THREE.Vector3(); this.powerMaterial = new THREE.SpriteMaterial({ map:this.powerTexture(), transparent:true }) //this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas:this.canvas, antialias:false }); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ precision: "mediump", antialias:false }); renderer.setSize( this.vsize.x, this.vsize.y ); renderer.setPixelRatio( this.pix || window.devicePixelRatio ) renderer.sortObjects = false; renderer.sortElements = false; renderer.autoClear = this.isWithBackground; renderer.gammaInput = true; renderer.gammaOutput = true; //this.renderer.autoClear = false; this.container.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); this.renderer = renderer; if( this.isWithLight ){ var light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xfffffe, 0.6 );//new THREE.SpotLight( 0xffffff, 1, 0, Math.PI / 2, 10, 2 ); light.position.set( , 300, );,, ); this.scene.add( light ); //var hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight( 0xCC7F66, 0xEFEFFF, 0.8 ); var hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight( 0x6666e6, 0xeffffff, 1 ); //hemiLight.color.setHSL( 0.6, 1, 0.6 ); //hemiLight.groundColor.setHSL( 0.095, 1, 0.75 ); hemiLight.position.set( 0, 20, 0 ); this.scene.add( hemiLight ); this.hemiLight = hemiLight; /*var pointLight = new THREE.PointLight( 0xFFFFFF, 1 ); pointLight.position.set(, 10, ); this.scene.add( pointLight );*/ //this.scene.add( new THREE.AmbientLight( 0xcc7f66 ) ); } //var _this = this; if(this.isWithBackground ){ this.skyCanvasBasic = this.gradTexture([[0.51,0.49, 0.3], ['#cc7f66','#A7DCFA', 'deepskyblue']]); this.skyCanvas = this.gradTexture([[0.51,0.49, 0.3], ['#cc7f66','#A7DCFA', 'deepskyblue']]); this.skyTexture = new THREE.Texture(this.skyCanvas); this.skyTexture.needsUpdate = true; this.back = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(300,1), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map:this.skyTexture, side:THREE.BackSide, depthWrite: false, fog:false } )); this.scene.add( this.back ); this.renderer.autoClear = false; } else { this.renderer.setClearColor( 0xcc7f66, 1 ); } window.addEventListener( 'resize', function(e) { this.resize() }.bind(this), false ); // disable context menu document.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }, false); document.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', this, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'mousemove', this, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this, false ); //this.container.addEventListener( 'mouseup', this, false ); //this.container.addEventListener( 'mouseout', this, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'touchmove', this, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'touchstart', this, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'touchend', this, false ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', this, false ); /*this.bigG = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 16*8, 16*8, 16*8, 16*8 ); this.bigG.rotateX( -Math.PI * 0.5 ); var qq = this.bigG.attributes.position.array; var k = qq.length/3; while(k--){ var m = k * 3; qq[m] +=; qq[m+2] +=; }*/ //var bigm = new THREE.Mesh(this.bigG, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color:0xffffff, metalness:0.8, roughness:0.3 }) );//, wireframe:true }) ); //bigm.position.set(, -0.1, //console.log(this.bigG.attributes.position.array.length/3) //this.scene.add(bigm); /* this.container.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function(e) {_this.onMouseMove(e)} , false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(e) {_this.onMouseDown(e)}, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function(e) {_this.onMouseUp(e)}, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'mouseout', function(e) {_this.onMouseUp(e)}, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function(e) {_this.onMouseDown(e)}, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'touchend', function(e) {_this.onMouseUp(e)}, false ); this.container.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function(e) {_this.onMouseMove(e)}, false ); var body = document.body; if( body.addEventListener ){ body.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', function(e) {_this.onMouseWheel(e)}, false ); //chrome body.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', function(e) {_this.onMouseWheel(e)}, false ); // firefox }else if( body.attachEvent ){ body.attachEvent("onmousewheel" , function(e) {_this.onMouseWheel(e)}); // ie }*/ // active key if(!this.isMobile) this.bindKeys(); start(); // load winter extra map this.loadImagesPlus(); }, handleEvent : function( e ) { switch( e.type ) { case 'mouseup': case 'mouseout': case 'touchend':this.onMouseUp( e ); break; case 'mousedown': case 'touchstart': this.onMouseDown( e ); break; case 'mousemove': case 'touchmove': this.onMouseMove( e ); break; case 'mousewheel': this.onMouseWheel( e ); break; } }, //----------------------------------- RENDER runStats : function(){ this.f[1] =; if (this.f[1]-1000 > this.f[0]){ this.f[0] = this.f[1]; hub.upStats(this.f[2], ); this.f[2] = 0; } this.f[2]++; }, render: function(){ if(this.isWithStats) this.runStats(); //this.renderer.clear(); this.renderer.render( this.scene, ); if(this.deepthTest) this.miniRender();//miniRenderer.render( this.miniScene, this.topCamera ); }, //----------------------------------- MINI DEEP RENDER initMiniRender: function(){ this.miniTree = null; this.minibuilding = null; this.miniTreeUpdate = 0; this.townHeigth = this.customShader(); //this.buildingHeigth = this.customShader(); this.miniScene = new THREE.Scene(); var w = 5; this.topCamera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( -w , w , w , -w , 0.1, 200 ); this.topCameraDistance = 10; this.miniScene.add( this.topCamera ); this.miniRenderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas:miniGlCanvas, precision: "lowp", antialias: false}); this.miniRenderer.setSize( this.miniSize.w, this.miniSize.h, true ); this.miniRenderer.sortObjects = false; this.miniRenderer.sortElements = false; this.deepthTest = true; }, customShader:function(){ var deepShader={ attributes:{}, uniforms:{ deep: {type: 'f', value: 0.1} }, fs:[ 'precision lowp float;', 'varying vec4 vc;', 'void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vc; }' ].join("\n"), vs:[ 'uniform float deep;', 'varying float dy;', 'varying vec4 vc;', 'void main(void) {', 'gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);', 'dy = position.y*deep;', 'vc = vec4(dy,dy,dy, 1.0);', '}' ].join("\n") }; var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: deepShader.uniforms, attributes: deepShader.attributes, vertexShader: deepShader.vs, fragmentShader: deepShader.fs }); return material; }, miniClear:function(){ var i = this.miniScene.children.length; var m; while(i--){ m = this.miniScene.children[ i ]; if (m.geometry) { m.geometry.dispose(); this.miniScene.remove(m); } } }, miniClearMesh:function(m){ m.geometry.dispose(); this.miniScene.remove(m); m = null; }, miniCheck: function(){ var l = this.findLayer(,; var m; if(l!==this.currentLayer){ this.currentLayer = l; this.miniUpTree(l); this.miniUpBuilding(l); /*if(this.miniTree !== null) this.miniClearMesh(this.miniTree); this.miniTree = new THREE.Mesh( this.treeMeshs[l].geometry.clone(), this.townHeigth); this.miniScene.add(this.miniTree);*/ } else { if(this.miniTreeUpdate==1){ this.miniUpTree(l); /*if(this.miniTree !== null) this.miniClearMesh(this.miniTree); this.miniTree = new THREE.Mesh( this.treeMeshs[l].geometry.clone(), this.townHeigth); this.miniScene.add(this.miniTree);*/ this.miniTreeUpdate = 0; } } }, miniUpTree:function(l){ if(this.miniTree !== null) this.miniClearMesh(this.miniTree); this.miniTree = new THREE.Mesh( this.treeMeshs[l].geometry.clone(), this.townHeigth); this.miniScene.add(this.miniTree); }, miniUpBuilding:function(l){ if(this.buildingMeshs[l]){ if(this.minibuilding !== null) this.miniClearMesh(this.minibuilding); this.minibuilding = new THREE.Mesh( this.buildingMeshs[l].geometry.clone(), this.townHeigth); this.miniScene.add(this.minibuilding); } }, miniRender: function(){ if(this.deepthTest){ this.miniCheck(); this.miniRenderer.render( this.miniScene, this.topCamera ); } }, //----------------------------------- RESIZE resize: function(){ this.vsize = { x:window.innerWidth, y:window.innerHeight, z:window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight}; = this.vsize.z;; this.renderer.setSize(this.vsize.x,this.vsize.y); }, startZoom : function(){ this.timer = setInterval(this.faddingZoom, 1000/60, this); }, faddingZoom : function(t){ if(>20){; t.moveCamera(); }else clearInterval(t.timer); }, //----------------------------------- LOAD IMAGES loadImages:function(){ var _this = this; var n = this.num; this.imgs[n] = new Image(); this.imgs[n].onload = function(){ _this.num++; if(_this.num===1) if(hub!==null) hub.subtitle.innerHTML = "Loading textures ..."; if(_this.num === _this.imgSrc.length){ _this.changeTextures(); _this.num=0; } else _this.loadImages(); }; this.imgs[n].src = this.imgSrc[n]; }, loadImagesPlus:function(){ var _this = this; var n = this.num + 5; this.imgs[n] = new Image(); this.imgs[n].src = this.imgSrcPlus[this.num]; this.imgs[n].onload = function(){ _this.num++; if(_this.num === _this.imgSrcPlus.length){ _this.winterMapLoaded = true; } else _this.loadImagesPlus(); }; }, winterSwitch : function (){ if(!this.isWinter && this.winterMapLoaded) this.isWinter = true; else this.isWinter = false; this.updateBackground(); this.setTimeColors(this.dayTime); }, changeTextures : function (){ this.envCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.groundCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.townCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.buildingCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.envCanvas.width = this.envCanvas.height = this.imgs[5].width; this.groundCanvas.width = this.groundCanvas.height = this.imgs[0].width; this.townCanvas.width = this.townCanvas.height = this.imgs[1].width; this.buildingCanvas.width = this.buildingCanvas.height = this.imgs[2].width; this.tint(this.envCanvas, this.imgs[5]); this.tint(this.groundCanvas, this.imgs[0]); this.tint(this.townCanvas, this.imgs[1], this.imgs[4]); this.tint(this.buildingCanvas, this.imgs[2], this.imgs[3]); this.imageSrc = this.groundCanvas; this.createTextures(); }, createTextures : function (){ if(this.isWithEnv){ this.environment = new THREE.Texture( this.envCanvas ); this.environment.mapping = THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping; this.environment.needsUpdate = true; //this.environment = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'img/env.jpg', THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping); //this.environment2 = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'img/env.jpg', THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping); } this.townTexture = new THREE.Texture( this.townCanvas ); this.townTexture.flipY = false; //this.townTexture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; //this.townTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; this.townTexture.needsUpdate = true; this.buildingTexture = new THREE.Texture( this.buildingCanvas ); this.buildingTexture.flipY = false; //this.buildingTexture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; //this.buildingTexture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; this.buildingTexture.needsUpdate = true; // materials if(this.isWithLight){ var s = new THREE.Vector2( 2, 2 ); this.townMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: this.townTexture, metalness:this.metalness, roughness:this.roughness, wireframe:this.wireframe } ); this.buildingMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: this.buildingTexture, metalness:this.metalness, roughness:this.roughness, wireframe:this.wireframe } ); } else { this.townMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: this.townTexture } ); this.buildingMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: this.buildingTexture } ); } if(this.isWithEnv){ this.townMaterial.envMap = this.environment; this.buildingMaterial.envMap = this.environment; } if(this.isWithNormal){ this.addNormalMap(); } /* this.townMaterial.vertexColors = THREE.VertexColors = null; this.townMaterial.vertexColors = null; = this.townTexture;*/ /* = this.renderer.getMaxAnisotropy(); = this.renderer.getMaxAnisotropy(); = true; = true;*/ //this.townMaterial.transparent=true; //this.buildingMaterial.transparent=true; this.loadSea3d(); }, addNormalMap:function(){ this.buildingTexture_n = new THREE.Texture( this.imgs[6] ); this.buildingTexture_n.flipY = false; //this.buildingTexture_n.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; //this.buildingTexture_n.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; this.buildingTexture_n.needsUpdate = true; this.townTexture_n = new THREE.Texture( this.imgs[7] ); this.townTexture_n.flipY = false; //this.townTexture_n.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; //this.townTexture_n.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; this.townTexture_n.needsUpdate = true; this.ground_n = this.imgs[8]; this.townMaterial.normalMap = this.townTexture_n; this.buildingMaterial.normalMap = this.buildingTexture_n; }, textureSwitch : function(type){ switch(type){ case 'normal': = this.townTexture; = this.buildingTexture; break; case 'white': break; } }, setTimeColors : function(id){ this.dayTime = id; if(this.dayTime==1)this.tcolor = {r:100, g: 15, b: 80, a: 0.3}; if(this.dayTime==2)this.tcolor = {r:10, g: 15, b: 80, a: 0.8}; if(this.dayTime==3)this.tcolor = {r:10, g: 15, b: 80, a: 0.6}; this.tint(this.skyCanvas); if(!this.isWinter){ this.tint(this.groundCanvas, this.imgs[0]); this.tint(this.townCanvas, this.imgs[1], this.imgs[4]); this.tint(this.buildingCanvas, this.imgs[2], this.imgs[3]); } else { this.tint(this.groundCanvas, this.imgs[5]); this.tint(this.townCanvas, this.imgs[6], this.imgs[4]); this.tint(this.buildingCanvas, this.imgs[7], this.imgs[3]); } if(this.isWithFog){ if(this.isIsland){ if(this.isWinter){ if(this.dayTime==0)this.fog.color.setHex(0xAFEEEE); if(this.dayTime==1)this.fog.color.setHex(0x98ABBF); if(this.dayTime==2)this.fog.color.setHex(0x2B3C70); if(this.dayTime==3)this.fog.color.setHex(0x4C688F); }else{ if(this.dayTime==0)this.fog.color.setHex(0x6666e6); if(this.dayTime==1)this.fog.color.setHex(0x654CB9); if(this.dayTime==2)this.fog.color.setHex(0x1C206E); if(this.dayTime==3)this.fog.color.setHex(0x2F328C); } } else { if(this.isWinter){ if(this.dayTime==0)this.fog.color.setHex(0xE6F0FF); if(this.dayTime==1)this.fog.color.setHex(0xBFACCA); if(this.dayTime==2)this.fog.color.setHex(0x363C73); if(this.dayTime==3)this.fog.color.setHex(0x626996); }else{ if(this.dayTime==0)this.fog.color.setHex(0xE2946D); if(this.dayTime==1)this.fog.color.setHex(0xBC6C64); if(this.dayTime==2)this.fog.color.setHex(0x352A56); if(this.dayTime==3)this.fog.color.setHex(0x60445C); } } } this.buildingTexture.needsUpdate = true; this.townTexture.needsUpdate = true; this.skyTexture.needsUpdate = true; this.fullRedraw = true; }, //----------------------------------- SEA3D IMPORT loadSea3d : function (){ var _this = this; var loader = new THREE.SEA3D();// true ); //var basicMap = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color:0x000000} ) loader.onComplete = function( e ) { var m, map; var i = loader.meshes.length; while(i--){ m = loader.meshes[i]; //console.log( m.material.dispose(); //m.material = basicMap; _this.meshs[] = m; } _this.defineGeometry(); } //if(!this.seaBuffer)loader.parser = THREE.SEA3D.DEFAULT; //else loader.parser = THREE.SEA3D.BUFFER; loader.load( this.rootModel ); if(hub!==null)hub.subtitle.innerHTML = "Loading 3d model ..."; }, //----------------------------------- 3D GEOMETRY defineGeometry : function(){ var i; //var m = new THREE.Matrix4().makeScale(1, 1, 1); //var m2 = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0.5, 0,0); var o = this.meshs; // BUILDING this.buildingGeo = []; this.buildingGeo[0] = null; this.buildingGeo[1] = null; this.buildingGeo[2] = null; this.buildingGeo[3] = null; this.buildingGeo[4] = o['police'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[5] = o['park_1'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[6] = o['park_2'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[7] = o['fire'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[8] = o['coal'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[9] = o['nuclear'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[10] = o['port'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[11] = o['stadium'].geometry; this.buildingGeo[12] = o['airport'].geometry; // BASIC this.residentialGeo = []; this.commercialGeo = []; this.industrialGeo = []; this.houseGeo = []; i = 9; while(i--){ this.industrialGeo[i] = o['i_0'+i].geometry; //this.industrialGeo[i].applyMatrix(m); } i = 19; while(i--){ if(i<10) this.residentialGeo[i] = o['r_0'+i].geometry; else this.residentialGeo[i] = o['r_'+i].geometry; //this.residentialGeo[i].applyMatrix(m); } i = 21; while(i--){ if(i<10) this.commercialGeo[i] = o['c_0'+i].geometry; else this.commercialGeo[i] = o['c_'+i].geometry; //this.commercialGeo[i].applyMatrix(m); } i = 12; while(i--){ if(i<10) this.houseGeo[i] = o['rh_0'+i].geometry; else this.houseGeo[i] = o['rh_'+i].geometry; //this.houseGeo[i].applyMatrix(m); } //i = this.buildingGeo.length; //while(i--) { // if(this.buildingGeo[i] !== null) this.buildingGeo[i].applyMatrix(m); //} // SPRITE this.spriteGeo = []; this.spriteGeo[0] = o['train'].geometry;//.clone(); this.spriteGeo[1] = o['elico'].geometry.clone(); this.spriteGeo[2] = o['plane'].geometry.clone(); //i = this.spriteGeo.length; //while(i--) { // this.spriteGeo[i].applyMatrix( m ); //} // THREE this.treeGeo = []; this.treeGeo[0] = o['ttt3'].geometry; this.treeGeo[1] = o['ttt3'].geometry.clone(); this.treeGeo[2] = o['ttt4'].geometry; this.treeGeo[3] = o['ttt4'].geometry.clone(); this.treeGeo[4] = o['ttt0'].geometry; this.treeGeo[5] = o['ttt1'].geometry; this.treeGeo[6] = o['ttt2'].geometry; this.treeGeo[7] = o['ttt5'].geometry; //i = this.treeGeo.length; //while(i--) { // this.treeGeo[i].applyMatrix( m ); //this.treeGeo[i].applyMatrix( m2.makeRotationY( (Math.random()*360)*this.ToRad ) ); //} // finish loading start render this.init(); }, getRandomObject : function(){ var nn = this.randRange(0,6); var geo, mat, r, n; switch(nn){ case 0: geo = this.buildingGeo[this.randRange(4,12)]; mat = this.townMaterial; break; case 1: geo = this.residentialGeo[this.randRange(1, this.residentialGeo.length-1)]; mat = this.buildingMaterial; break; case 2: geo = this.commercialGeo[this.randRange(1, this.commercialGeo.length-1)]; mat = this.buildingMaterial; break; case 3: geo = this.industrialGeo[this.randRange(1, this.industrialGeo.length-1)]; mat = this.buildingMaterial; break; case 4: geo = this.houseGeo[this.randRange(0, this.houseGeo.length-1)]; mat = this.buildingMaterial; break; case 5: geo = this.spriteGeo[this.randRange(0, this.spriteGeo.length-1)]; mat = this.townMaterial; break; case 6: r = this.randRange(0,2); n = 0; if(r==1) n= 4; if(r==2) n= 6; geo = this.treeGeo[n]; mat = this.townMaterial; break; } var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geo.clone(), mat.clone()); =; return mesh; }, randRange : function (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }, //----------------------------------- GEOMETRY PROCESS /*transGeo : function(g){ if(this.isTransGeo){ g.mergeVertices(); g.computeVertexNormals( true ); //g.computeTangents(); //g.computeBoundingBox(); //g.computeBoundingSphere(); g.verticesNeedUpdate = true; } return g; },*/ //----------------------------------- MESH CONSTRUCTOR buildMeshLayer:function( layer, type ){ type = type || 'tree'; var id = 0; if( type === 'tree' ) id = 0; if( type === 'town' ) id = 1; if( type === 'house' ) id = 2; if( type === 'building' ) id = 3; var list = this.M_list[id]; var temp = this.M_temp[id]; var geom = this.M_geom[id]; var mesh = this.M_mesh[id]; var mats = this.M_mats[id]; var g, _g, v, nr, uv, t, i, j, lng, n, ar, k, decal = 0; if( this[list][layer] ){ i = this[list][layer].length; v = []; uv = []; nr = []; while(i--){ ar = this[list][layer][i]; if( id === 3 ){ // building k = this.R.length; while(k--){ if(ar[3] === this.R[k] ){ _g = this.residentialGeo[k]; // remove little house if(k===0 && ar[5]===0){ this.buildingLists[layer][i][5] = 1; this.addBaseHouse( ar[0], ar[1], ar[2] ); } else if(k>0 && ar[5]===1){ this.buildingLists[layer][i][5] = 0; this.removeBaseHouse( ar[0], ar[1], ar[2] ); } } } k = this.C.length; while(k--){ if(ar[3] === this.C[k] ) _g = this.commercialGeo[k]; } k = this.I.length; while(k--){ if(ar[3] === this.I[k] ) _g = this.industrialGeo[k]; } } else if( id === 2 ){// house k = this.H.length; while(k--){ if( ar[3] === this.H[k] ) _g = this.houseGeo[k]; } } else { if(ar[3] === 8 || ar[3] === 9 || ar[3] === 10 || ar[3] === 11) decal = 1; if(ar[3] === 12) decal = 3; _g = this[geom][ar[3]]; } // position if( _g ){ t = _g.attributes.position.array; lng = t.length/3; for( j = 0; j < lng; j++){ n = j * 3; v.push( t[n] + ar[0] ); v.push( t[n+1] + ar[1] ); v.push( -t[n+2] + ar[2] + decal ); } // normal t = _g.attributes.normal.array; lng = t.length/3; for( j = 0; j < lng; j++){ n = j * 3; nr.push( t[n] ); nr.push( t[n+1] ); nr.push( -t[n+2] ); } // uv t = _g.attributes.uv.array; lng = t.length; for( j = 0; j < lng; j++){ uv.push( t[j] ); } } } // remove old mesh if( this[mesh][layer] ){ //console.log('remove'); this.scene.remove( this[mesh][layer] ); this[mesh][layer].geometry.dispose(); } if( v.length > 0 ){ // final geometry g = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); g.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( v ), 3 ) ); g.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( nr ), 3 ) ); g.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( uv ), 2 ) ); //g.computeVertexNormals(); // final mesh this[mesh][layer] = new THREE.Mesh( g, this[mats] ); this.scene.add( this[mesh][layer] ); } // clear temp this[temp][layer] = 0; } }, //----------------------------------- TREE TEST addTree : function(x,y,z,v,layer){ if( !this.isWithTree ) return; // v 21 to 43 if( !this.treeLists[layer] ) this.treeLists[layer]=[]; this.treeLists[layer].push([x,y,z,v]); }, populateTree:function(){ if(!this.isWithTree) return; var l = this.nlayers; while( l-- ){ this.buildMeshLayer( l ); } }, clearAllTrees : function(){ if(!this.isWithTree) return; var l = this.nlayers; while(l--){ if( this.treeMeshs[l] ){ this.scene.remove( this.treeMeshs[l] ); if(this.treeMeshs[l].geometry) this.treeMeshs[l].geometry.dispose(); } } this.treeMeshs = []; this.treeLists = []; this.tempTreeLayers = []; }, removeTreePack : function(ar){ if(!this.isWithTree) return; //this.tempTreeLayers = []; var i = ar.length; while(i--){ this.removeTree(ar[i][0], ar[i][1], true); } // rebuild layers i = this.tempTreeLayers.length; while(i--){ if(this.tempTreeLayers[i] === 1){ this.rebuildTreeLayer(i); } } }, removeTree : function(x, z, m){ var l = this.findLayer(x, z), ar; if(this.treeLists[l]){ var i = this.treeLists[l].length; while(i--){ ar = this.treeLists[l][i]; if(ar[0] == x && ar[2]==z){ this.treeLists[l].splice(i, 1); if(!m){ this.rebuildTreeLayer(l); return; } else { // multy trees this.tempTreeLayers[l] = 1; } } } } }, rebuildTreeLayer : function( l ){ if(!this.isWithTree) return; this.scene.remove(this.treeMeshs[l]); this.treeMeshs[l].geometry.dispose(); this.buildMeshLayer(l); if(l == this.currentLayer) this.miniTreeUpdate = 1; }, //------------------------------------ BACKGROUND MAP updateBackground : function(){ var rootColors; var fogColors; if(this.isWithBackground ){ if(this.isIsland){ rootColors = '#6666e6'; fogColors = 0x6666e6; if(this.isWinter){ rootColors = '#AFEEEE'; fogColors = 0xAFEEEE; } this.skyCanvasBasic = this.gradTexture([[0.51,0.49, 0.3], [rootColors,'#BFDDFF', '#4A65FF']]); this.skyCanvas = this.gradTexture([[0.51,0.49, 0.3], [rootColors,'#BFDDFF', '#4A65FF']]); if(this.isWithFog){ this.fog.color.setHex(fogColors); } } else{ rootColors = '#E2946D'; fogColors = 0xE2946D; if(this.isWinter){ rootColors = '#E6F0FF'; fogColors = 0xE6F0FF; } this.skyCanvasBasic = this.gradTexture([[0.51,0.49, 0.3], [rootColors,'#BFDDFF', '#4A65FF']]); this.skyCanvas = this.gradTexture([[0.51,0.49, 0.3], [rootColors,'#BFDDFF', '#4A65FF']]); if(this.isWithFog){ this.fog.color.setHex(fogColors); } } this.skyTexture = new THREE.Texture(this.skyCanvas); this.skyTexture.needsUpdate = true; = this.skyTexture; } else { if(this.isIsland) this.renderer.setClearColor( 0x6666e6, 1 ); else this.renderer.setClearColor( 0xcc7f66, 1 ); } if(this.isWithLight){ this.hemiLight.groundColor.setHex( fogColors ); } }, //------------------------------------ TERRAIN MAP updateTerrain : function(island){ this.isIsland = island || false; = this.mapSize[0]*0.5; = this.mapSize[1]*0.5; this.updateBackground(); // create terrain if not existe if(this.miniTerrain.length === 0){ var n = 0;//, texture, mat; var colorsX = [ 0x000000, 0x220000, 0x440000, 0x660000, 0x880000, 0xaa0000, 0xcc0000, 0xff0000 ]; var colorsY = [ 0x000000, 0x002200, 0x004400, 0x006600, 0x008800, 0x00aa00, 0x00cc00, 0x00ff00 ]; for(var i=0; i<8; i++){ for(var j=0; j<8; j++){ //var geo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 16, 16, 16, 16 ); var geo; if(this.isWithHeight){ geo = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 16, 16, 16, 16 ); } else { geo = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 16, 16, 1, 1 ); } geo.rotateX( -Math.PI * 0.5 ); var qq = geo.attributes.position.array; var k = qq.length/3; while(k--){ var m = k * 3; qq[m] += (8+j*16)-0.5; qq[m+2] += (8+i*16)-0.5; } //geo.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX( - Math.PI * 0.5 ) ); //geo.computeBoundingSphere(); //this.miniTerrain[n] = new THREE.Mesh(geo.clone(), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:colorsX[i]+colorsY[j]}) ); if(this.isColorTest) this.miniTerrain[n] = new THREE.Mesh(geo, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:colorsX[i]+colorsY[j]}) ); else{ if(this.isWithLight) this.miniTerrain[n] = new THREE.Mesh(geo, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({color:0xffffff, metalness:this.metalness, roughness:this.roughness, wireframe:this.wireframe }) ); else this.miniTerrain[n] = new THREE.Mesh(geo, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0xffffff}) ); } if(this.isWithEnv) this.miniTerrain[n].material.envMap = this.environment; //this.miniTerrain[n].position.set((8+j*16)-0.5,0,(8+i*16)-0.5); this.miniTerrain[n] ); n++; } } } // update start map texture n = this.miniTerrain.length; var texture, textureN; while(n--){ texture = new THREE.Texture( this.miniCanvas[n] ); //texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; //texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; texture.needsUpdate = true; this.miniTerrain[n] = texture; if(this.isWithNormal){ textureN = new THREE.Texture( this.miniCanvasN[n] ); //textureN.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; //textureN.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; textureN.needsUpdate = true; this.miniTerrain[n].material.normalMap = textureN; } //this.miniTerrain[n].material.transparent = true; this.terrainTxt[n] = texture; } if( this.isWithHeight ){ this.applyHeight(); // = this.heightData[this.findId(,]; = this.heightData[this.findHeightId(,]; } else { = 0; } this.moveCamera(); this.back.position.copy(; }, //------------------------------------------HEIGHT generateHeight : function () { if(this.miniTerrain.length != 0){ var e = this.miniTerrain.length; while(e--){ this.miniTerrain[e] ); } this.miniTerrain = []; } this.bigG = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( 16*8, 16*8, 16*8, 16*8 ); this.bigG.rotateX( -Math.PI * 0.5 ); var qq = this.bigG.attributes.position.array; var k = qq.length/3; while(k--){ var m = k * 3; qq[m] +=;//-0.5; qq[m+2] +=;//-0.5; } var w = this.mapSize[0]; var h = this.mapSize[1]; var i, j, x, y; var d = (8*16)+1; var size = d * d; var data = new ARRAY_TYPE( size ); var perlin = new Perlin();//, z = Math.random() * 100; var noise; var r = 1 / d;//w; var quality = 1 / 20; var multy = 3 + ( Math.random() * 2 ); i = size; while(i--){ x = i % d; y = ~~ ( i * r ); noise = perlin.noise( x * quality, y * quality ); data[ i ] = (0.5+(noise*0.5))*multy; } //console.log('total: ' + data.length ) return data; }, resetHeight : function () { var i = this.heightData.length; while(i--){ this.heightData[i] = 0; } this.applyHeight(); this.isWithHeight = false; }, findHeightId : function ( x, z ){ return this.findSamePoint(x, z); //var ratio = 16384 / 16641; //return Math.floor(n*ratio); }, findSamePoint : function(x, z){ var ar if( this.bigG ) ar = this.bigG.attributes.position.array; else ar = this.positionRef; var i = ar.length/3, n, y = 0; while(i--){ n = i*3; if(ar[n] === x && ar[n+2] === z){ y = i;//ar[n+1]; break; } } return y; }, applyHeight : function () { var i, j, gr, gn; var lng = this.heightData.length; var pos, layer, h, v, d=0, n, nn, idd; this.Gtmp = []; gr = this.bigG.attributes.position.array; i = gr.length/3; while(i--){ n = i*3; gr[n+1] = this.heightData[i]; } this.bigG.attributes.position.needUpdate = true; this.bigG.computeVertexNormals(); this.positionRef = new Float32Array( gr.length ); i = gr.length; while(i--){ this.positionRef[i] = gr[i]; } //this.positionRef = this.bigG.attributes.position.array;///new Float32Array( this.bigG.attributes.position.array ); var rn = this.bigG.attributes.normal.array; //console.log( 'base' , this.bigG.attributes.position.array[0], this.bigG.attributes.position.array[2] ) i = 64; while (i--){ this.Gtmp[i] = new ARRAY_TYPE(289); } i = 64; while (i--){ gr = this.miniTerrain[i].geometry.attributes.position.array; gn = this.miniTerrain[i].geometry.attributes.normal.array; j = gr.length/3; while(j--){ n = j * 3; idd = this.findSamePoint( gr[n]+0.5, gr[n+2]+0.5 ); this.Gtmp[j] = this.heightData[ idd ]; gr[n+1] = this.Gtmp[j]; nn = idd*3; gn[n] = rn[nn]; gn[n+1] = rn[nn+1]; gn[n+2] = rn[nn+2]; //if(j===0) console.log(gr[n], gr[n+2] ) //this.Gtmp[i][j] = } this.miniTerrain[i].geometry.attributes.position.needUpdate = true; this.miniTerrain[i].geometry.attributes.normal.needUpdate = true; //this.miniTerrain[i].geometry.computeVertexNormals(); } this.bigG.dispose(); this.bigG = null; /*for(i = 0; i < lng; i++ ){ pos = this.findPositionDisp(i); //layer = this.findLayer(pos[0], pos[1]); layer = this.findLayerDisp(pos[0], pos[1]); //pos = this.findPosition(i); //layer = Math.floor(i/289); if( this.Gtmp[layer] === undefined ){ //console.log(layer) this.Gtmp[layer] = []; } //v = this.findVertices( layer, pos ); v = this.findVerticesDisp( layer, pos ); //v = i - (layer*289); //v = this.findVertices( layer, pos ); this.Gtmp[layer][v] = this.heightData[i]; }*/ /* var i = lng; while(i--){ n = i*3; this.bigG.attributes.position.array[n+1] = this.heightData[i]; //pos = [this.bigG.attributes.position.array[n], this.bigG.attributes.position.array[n+2]] pos = this.findPositionDisp(i);//this.findPosition(i); layer = this.findLayerDisp( pos[0], pos[1] ); //if( this.Gtmp[layer] === undefined ) this.Gtmp[layer] = []; //v = this.findVertices( layer, pos ); v = this.findVerticesDisp( layer, pos ); //d = layer*33; this.Gtmp[layer][v] = this.heightData[i]; } console.log(this.Gtmp.length, this.Gtmp[0].length, this.miniTerrain[0].geometry.attributes.position.array.length/3, this.heightData.length/64, this.heightData.length/289 ) i = this.miniTerrain.length; while(i--){ this.updateVertices( this.miniTerrain[i].geometry, this.Gtmp[i] ); } this.bigG.attributes.position.needUpdate = true; this.bigG.computeVertexNormals();*/ //tmp = null; }, makePlanar:function(ar, y){ /*var layer, v, x, z; var tmp = []; var i = ar.length; while(i--){ x = ar[i][0]; z = ar[i][1]; layer = this.findLayer(x, z); //if( tmp[layer] === undefined ) tmp[layer] = []; v = this.findVertices(layer, [x, z] );//findVertices(layer, [x, z] ); this.Gtmp[layer][v] = y;//this.heightData[i]; this.tempHeightLayers[layer] = 1; } // rebuild layers i = this.tempHeightLayers.length; while(i--){ if(this.tempHeightLayers[i] === 1){ this.updateVertices( this.miniTerrain[i].geometry, this.Gtmp[i] ); } } this.tempHeightLayers = [];*/ //tmp = null; }, updateVertices : function( g, ar ){ var vertices = g.attributes.position.array; var i = ar.length, n; while(i--){ n = i*3; vertices[n+1] = ar[i]; } g.attributes.position.needUpdate = true; //g.computeBoundingSphere(); //g.computeVertexNormals(); }, //------------------------------------------LAYER 8X8 findPositionDisp : function(id){ var n = Math.floor(id/129); var y = n; var x = id-Math.floor(n*129); return [x,y]; }, findLayerDisp : function(x,z){ var cy = Math.floor(z/16); var cx = Math.floor(x/16); return cx+(cy*8); }, findVerticesDisp : function(layer, pos){ var v = 0; var cy = Math.floor(layer/8); var cx = Math.floor(layer-(cy*8)); //var py = pos[1]-(16*cy); //var px = pos[0]-(16*cx); //v = px + (py*16); var py = pos[1]-(16*cy); var px = pos[0]-(16*cx); v = px + (py*16); return v; }, findLayer : function(x,z){ var cy = Math.floor(z/16); var cx = Math.floor(x/16); return cx+(cy*8); }, findLayerPos:function(x,y,layer){ var cy = Math.floor(layer/8); var cx = Math.floor(layer-(cy*8)); var py = y-(16*cy); var px = x-(16*cx); return [px,py]; }, findPosition : function(id){ var n = Math.floor(id/this.mapSize[1]); var y = n; var x = id-(n*this.mapSize[1]); return [x,y]; }, findId : function(x, y){ var id = x+(y*this.mapSize[1]); return id; }, findVertices : function(layer, pos){ var v = 0; var cy = Math.floor(layer/8); var cx = Math.floor(layer-(cy*8)); //var py = pos[1]-(16*cy); //var px = pos[0]-(16*cx); //v = px + (py*16); var py = pos[1]-(16*cy); var px = pos[0]-(16*cx); v = px + (py*16); return v; }, //------------------------------------------RAY rayTest : function () { this.raycaster.setFromCamera( this.rayVector, ); if ( > 0 ) { var intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObjects( ); if ( intersects.length > 0 ) { this.pos.x = Math.round(intersects[0].point.x); this.pos.z = Math.round(intersects[0].point.z); if( this.isWithHeight )this.pos.y = Math.round(intersects[0].point.y); else this.pos.y = 0; if(this.currentTool){ this.tool.position.set(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.pos.z); if( || this.mouse.drag) mapClick(); //if( || this.currentTool.drag) mapClick();; } } else { this.pos.x = -1; this.pos.z = -1; } } }, //------------------------------------------TOOL selectTool : function(id){ this.pos.x = -1; this.pos.z = -1; // remove old tool if(this.tool !== null) this.removeTool(); if( id === 0 || id === 18){ this.currentTool = null; this.mouse.dragView = false; this.mouse.move = true; } else if ( id === 16 ){ this.currentTool = null; this.mouse.move = false; this.mouse.dragView = true; } else { this.currentTool = this.toolSet[id]; this.mouse.move = false; this.mouse.dragView = false; this.tool = this.customTool(); this.scene.add(this.tool); } /*if(id){ if( id === 17 ){ this.currentTool = null; this.mouse.dragView = true; } else { this.currentTool = this.toolSet[id]; this.mouse.move = false; this.tool = this.customTool(); this.scene.add(this.tool); } } else { this.currentTool = null; this.mouse.move = true; }*/ sendTool(this.toolSet[id].tool); }, customTool : function(){ var size = this.currentTool.size; var color = this.currentTool.color; var mid = size*0.5; var d = 0, y=0.02; if(size == 4) d=0.5; else if(size == 6 ) d=1.5; var geo = new THREE.Geometry(); var vertices = [ new THREE.Vector3( -mid+d, y, -mid+d ), new THREE.Vector3( -mid+d, y, mid+d ), new THREE.Vector3( mid+d, y, mid+d ), new THREE.Vector3( mid+d, y, -mid+d ) ]; geo.vertices.push( vertices[ 0 ], vertices[ 1 ], vertices[ 1 ], vertices[ 2 ], vertices[ 2 ], vertices[ 3 ], vertices[ 3 ], vertices[ 0 ] ); //var m = new THREE.Line( geo, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: color, linewidth:3 } ), THREE.LinePieces ); var m = new THREE.LineSegments( geo, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: color, linewidth:3, depthWrite: false, depthTest: false })) m.overdraw = true; return m; }, build : function(x,y){ if(this.currentTool.tool==='query') return; if({ //var ntool = this.toolSet[id]; var size = this.currentTool.size; var sizey =; var py = 0; //if( this.isWithHeight ) py = this.heightData[this.findId(x,y)];//this.pos.y;//this.heightData[ n ]; if( this.isWithHeight ) py = this.heightData[this.findHeightId(x,y)]; var zone; if(size == 1 ) zone = [ [x, y] ]; else if(size == 3) zone = [ [x, y], [x-1, y], [x+1, y], [x, y-1], [x-1, y-1], [x+1, y-1], [x, y+1], [x-1, y+1], [x+1, y+1] ]; else if(size == 4) zone = [ [x, y], [x-1, y], [x+1, y], [x, y-1], [x-1, y-1], [x+1, y-1], [x, y+1], [x-1, y+1], [x+1, y+1], [x+2, y-1], [x+2, y] , [x+2, y+1] , [x+2, y+2], [x-1, y+2], [x, y+2], [x+1, y+2] ]; else if(size == 6) zone = [ [x, y], [x-1, y], [x+1, y], [x, y-1], [x-1, y-1], [x+1, y-1], [x, y+1], [x-1, y+1], [x+1, y+1], [x+2, y-1], [x+2, y] , [x+2, y+1] , [x+2, y+2], [x-1, y+2], [x, y+2], [x+1, y+2], [x+3, y-1], [x+4, y-1], [x+3, y], [x+4, y], [x+3, y+1], [x+4, y+1], [x+3, y+2], [x+4, y+2], [x+3, y+3], [x+4, y+3], [x+3, y+4], [x+4, y+4], [x-1, y+3], [x-1, y+4], [x, y+3], [x, y+4], [x+1, y+3], [x+1, y+4], [x+2, y+3], [x+2, y+4] ]; this.removeTreePack(zone); this.cleanGround(zone); if( this.isWithHeight ) this.makePlanar(zone, py); /*var b = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(size,sizey,size), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:this.currentTool.color, transparent:true, opacity:0.5}) ); if(size == 4) b.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0.5, sizey*0.5, 0.5)); else if(size == 6) b.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(1.5, sizey*0.5, 1.5)); else b.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0, sizey*0.5, 0)); b.position.set(x, 0, y); this.scene.add(b);*/ var v = this.currentTool.geo; // standard building if(v<4 && v!==0){ this.addBaseBuilding(x, py, y, v, zone);; } // town building if(v==8 || v==9 || v==4 || v==5 || v==7 || v==10 || v==11 || v==12){ this.addBaseTown(x,py,y,v,zone);; } } else { this.removeTree(x,y); if( this.isWithHeight ){ //py = this.heightData[this.findId(x,y)]; py = this.heightData[this.findHeightId(x,y)]; this.makePlanar( [[x,y]], py ); } if(this.currentTool.tool=='bulldozer'){ this.forceUpdate.x = x; this.forceUpdate.y = y; this.testDestruct(x,y); } } }, removeTool : function(){ this.scene.remove(this.tool); this.tool.geometry.dispose(); this.tool = null; this.currentTool = null; }, //--------------------------------------------------TEST DESTRUCT testLayer:function(x,y){ var l = this.findLayer(x,y); var list = [l]; var pos = this.findLayerPos(x,y,l); var a = 0,b = 0; if(pos[0]<4) a=1; else if(pos[0]>13) a=2; if(pos[1]<4) b=1; else if(pos[1]>13) b=2; if(b==1) if(l-8>-1) list.push(l-8); if(b==2) if(l+8<64) list.push(l+8); if(a==1) if(l-1>-1) list.push(l-1); if(a==2) if(l+1<64) list.push(l+1); if(a==1 && b==1) if(l-9>-1) list.push(l-9); if(a==2 && b==2) if(l+9<64) list.push(l+9); if(a==1 && b==2) if(l+7<64) list.push(l+7); if(a==2 && b==1) if(l-7>-1) list.push(l-7); //console.log(list); return list; }, testDestruct:function(x,y){ var i, j, ar, ar2, l; var list = this.testLayer(x,y); for(var h= 0; h87)vertical=87; if(vertical<1)vertical=1; var phi = vertical*this.ToRad ; var theta = horizontal*this.ToRad; p.x = (distance * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta)) + origine.x; p.z = (distance * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta)) + origine.z; p.y = (distance * Math.cos(phi)) + origine.y; return p; }, unwrapDegrees : function (r){ r = r % 360; if (r > 180) r -= 360; if (r < -180) r += 360; return r; }, moveCamera : function () {,,,;; if(this.isWithFog){*4; if(this.fog.far<20)this.fog.far=20; } if(this.deepthTest){ this.topCamera.position.set(, this.topCameraDistance,; this.topCamera.lookAt(; } }, dragCenterposition : function(){ if ( this.ease.x == 0 && this.ease.z == 0 ) return; this.easeRot.y =*this.ToRad; var rot = this.unwrapDegrees(Math.round(; this.easeRot.x = Math.sin(this.easeRot.y) * this.ease.x + Math.cos(this.easeRot.y) * this.ease.z; this.easeRot.z = Math.cos(this.easeRot.y) * this.ease.x - Math.sin(this.easeRot.y) * this.ease.z; += this.easeRot.x; -= this.easeRot.z; if(<0) = 0; if(>128) = 128; if(<0) = 0; if(>128) = 128; this.moveCamera(); }, onMouseDown : function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var px, py; if(e.touches){ px = e.clientX || e.touches[ 0 ].pageX; py = e.clientY || e.touches[ 0 ].pageY; } else { px = e.clientX; py = e.clientY; // 0: default 1: left 2: middle 3: right this.mouse.button = e.which; } //if(this.mouse.button===1 && this.currentTool) this.mouse.move = true; this.mouse.ox = px; this.mouse.oy = py; this.rayVector.x = ( px / this.vsize.x ) * 2 - 1; this.rayVector.y = - ( py / this.vsize.y ) * 2 + 1; this.mouse.h =; this.mouse.v =; this.mouse.down = true; if(this.currentTool && this.mouse.button<2){// only for tool = true; if(this.currentTool.drag){ this.mouse.drag = true;} } }, onMouseUp : function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.mouse.button = 0; this.mouse.down = false; this.mouse.drag = false; if(this.currentTool==null)this.mouse.move = true; this.ease.x = 0; this.ease.z = 0; = 'auto'; }, onMouseMove : function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var px, py; if(e.touches){ px = e.clientX || e.touches[ 0 ].pageX; py = e.clientY || e.touches[ 0 ].pageY; } else { px = e.clientX; py = e.clientY; } if (this.mouse.down) { if(this.mouse.move || this.mouse.button===2){ this.mouse.dragView = false; = 'crosshair'; = ((px - this.mouse.ox) * 0.3) + this.mouse.h; = (-(py -this. mouse.oy) * 0.3) + this.mouse.v; this.moveCamera(); } if(this.mouse.dragView || this.mouse.button===3){ = 'move'; this.mouse.move = false; this.ease.x = (px - this.mouse.ox)/1000; this.ease.z = (py - this. mouse.oy)/1000; } } if(this.currentTool !== null){ this.rayVector.x = ( px / this.vsize.x ) * 2 - 1; this.rayVector.y = - ( py / this.vsize.y ) * 2 + 1; this.rayTest(); } }, onMouseWheel : function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var delta = 0; if(e.wheelDelta){delta=e.wheelDelta*-1;} else if(e.detail){delta=e.detail*20;}; if(<1) = 1; if(>150) = 150; this.moveCamera(); }, // ----------------------- cleanGround: function(ar){ var i = ar.length, l, x, y, cx, cy; while(i--){ x = ar[i][0]; y = ar[i][1]; cx = Math.floor(x/16); cy = Math.floor(y/16); l = cx+(cy*8); this.miniCtx[l].drawImage(this.imageSrc,0, 0, 16*, 16*, ((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; this.txtNeedUpdate[l] = 1; } }, paintMap : function( mapSize, island, isStart, fullRebuild) { if(!tilesData) return; if(mapSize) this.mapSize = mapSize; if(isStart){ this.treeValue = []; this.clearAllTrees(); if(this.isWithHeight){ this.heightData = this.generateHeight(); } } else{ this.tempBuildingLayers = []; this.tempHouseLayers = []; } // create mini canvas if not existe if( this.miniCanvas.length === 0 ){ for(var i=0; i 1 && v < 21){ // water if(v > 1 && v < 5){ // water if( this.isWithHeight ) this.heightData[ this.findHeightId(x, y) ] = -0.1; } if(v > 5 && v < 21){ // water border if( this.isWithHeight ) this.heightData[ this.findHeightId(x, y) ] *= 0.5; } if(v > 20 && v < 44){// tree if( this.isWithHeight ) ty = this.heightData[ this.findHeightId( x, y) ]-0.1; r = Math.floor(Math.random()*4); //if(v==43 || v==42|| v==41) r = 4; //if( v==40 || v==39|| v==38 || v==37 || v==36) r = 5; if(v>=36) r+=4; if(isStart)this.addTree( x, ty, y, r, layer ); if(this.isWithTree)v=21+r; else v=21+8+r; this.treeValue[n] = v; //v=0; } } if(this.fullRedraw){ if(v > 20 && v < 44) v = this.treeValue[n];} //if(isStart){if(v > 20 && v < 44){ v=0;};} px = v % 32 * 16; py = Math.floor(v / 32) * 16; if(isStart || this.fullRedraw){ // full draw for new map //this.miniCtx[layer].drawImage(this.imageSrc,px*, py*, 16*, 16*, ((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; //if(v==1)this.miniCtx[layer].clearRect(((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; //else this.miniCtx[layer].drawImage(this.imageSrc,px*, py*, 16*, 16*, ((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; if(this.isWithNormal){ this.miniCtxN[layer].drawImage(this.ground_n,px*, py*, 16*, 16*, ((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; } } else { // draw only need update if(x===this.forceUpdate.x && y===this.forceUpdate.y){ force=true; this.forceUpdate.x=-1; this.forceUpdate.y=-1 } if((v>43 && v<240) || force){ // road . rail . wire if(force){force = false; if(v > 20 && v < 44){px = 0; py=0;}};// bulldozer //this.miniCtx[layer].drawImage(this.imageSrc,px, py, 16, 16, ((x-(cx*16))*16),((y-(cy*16))*16), 16, 16); this.miniCtx[layer].drawImage(this.imageSrc,px*, py*, 16*, 16*, ((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; if(this.isWithNormal){ this.miniCtxN[layer].drawImage(this.ground_n,px*, py*, 16*, 16*, ((x-(cx*16))*16)*,((y-(cy*16))*16)*, 16*, 16*; } this.txtNeedUpdate[layer] = 1; } else if(v>240 || v==0){ if((v>248 && v<261) || v==0){ if(this.houseLists[layer]){ i = this.houseLists[layer].length; while(i--){ ar = this.houseLists[layer][i]; if( ar[0] === x && ar[2] === y ){ if( ar[3] !== v ){ this.houseLists[layer][i][3] = v; this.tempHouseLayers[layer] = 1; } } } } }else{ if(this.buildingLists[layer]){ i = this.buildingLists[layer].length; while(i--){ ar = this.buildingLists[layer][i]; if( ar[0] === x && ar[2] === y ){ if( ar[3] !== v ){ this.buildingLists[layer][i][3] = v; this.tempBuildingLayers[layer] = 1; } } } } } } //this.tempBuildingLayers // 240 - 422 residential -- center empty 244; test 3*3 house 249-260 r1:265 -- r18 // 423 - 611 comercial -- center empty 427; ------------------------c1:436 - c2:445 - c3:454 - c4:463 - c5:472 - c6:481 - c7:490 - c8:499 - c9:508 - c10: -- c20:607 // 612 - 692 industrial -- center empty 616; ------------------------i1:625 - i2:634 - i3: -- i8: // 9 } } } if(isStart){ this.updateTerrain(island); this.populateTree(); } else { i = this.nlayers; while(i--) if(this.txtNeedUpdate[i] || this.fullRedraw){ this.terrainTxt[i].needsUpdate = true; this.txtNeedUpdate[i] = 0;} i = this.tempHouseLayers.length; while(i--) if(this.tempHouseLayers[i] === 1){ this.rebuildHouseLayer(i); } i = this.tempBuildingLayers.length; while(i--) if(this.tempBuildingLayers[i] === 1){ this.rebuildBuildingLayer(i); } } if(this.fullRedraw){ this.fullRedraw = false; } }, /*this.residences = [244, 265, 274, 283, 292, 301, 310, 319, 328, 337, 346, 355, 364, 373, 382, 391, 400, 409, 418 ]; this.commercials = [427, 436, 445, 454, 463, 475, 481, 490, 499, 508, 517, 526, 535, 544, 553, 562, 571, 580, 589, 598, 607]; this.industrials = [616, 625, 634, 643, 652, 661, 670, 679, 688];*/ //-------------------- sprite moveSprite : function(){ if(!spriteData) return; var i = spriteData.length; var pos = new THREE.Vector3(); var frame = 0; var v=0; //log(i) while(i--){ var c = spriteData[i]; frame = c[1]; v = c[0]; pos.x = Math.round((c[2]-8)/16); pos.z = Math.round((c[3]-8)/16); pos.y = 0; //if( this.isWithHeight ) pos.y = this.heightData[this.findId(pos.x,pos.z)]; if( this.isWithHeight ) pos.y = this.heightData[ this.findHeightId(pos.x,pos.z) ]; if( c[0] == 2) pos.y += 5; if( c[0] == 3){ if(frame==11)pos.y += 0; else if(frame==10)pos.y += 1; else if (frame==9)pos.y += 3; else pos.y += 6; } //if(this.spriteMeshs[i] == null) this.addSprite( i, c[0], pos ); //this.spriteMeshs[i].position.lerp(pos, 0.6); //this.spriteMeshs[i].rotation.y = this.rotationSprite(c[0], frame); /*if(this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]] == null) this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]] = this.addSprite( v, pos ); this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]].position.lerp(pos, 0.6); this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]].rotation.y = this.rotationSprite(c[0], frame);*/ if(this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]] == null) this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]] = this.addSprite( v, pos ); // underwater train if(v===1 && frame===5)this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]].visible = false; else this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]].visible = true; this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]].position.lerp(pos, 0.6); this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]].rotation.y = this.rotationSprite(c[0], frame); } }, rotationSprite : function(v, f){ var r = 0; if(v===1){// train if(f===1) r = 0; else if(f===2) r = 90*this.ToRad; else if(f===3) r = 45*this.ToRad; else if(f===4) r = -45*this.ToRad; }else if(v===2 || v===3){// elico plane if(f===1) r = 0; else if(f===2) r = -45*this.ToRad; else if(f===3) r = -90*this.ToRad; else if(f===4) r = -135*this.ToRad; else if(f===5) r = -180*this.ToRad; else if(f===6) r = -225*this.ToRad; else if(f===7) r = -270*this.ToRad; else if(f===8) r = -315*this.ToRad; else if(f===9) r = -90*this.ToRad; else if(f===10) r = -90*this.ToRad; else if(f===11) r = -90*this.ToRad; } return r; }, addSprite : function(v, p){ var m; if(v===1){// train m = new THREE.Mesh(this.spriteGeo[0], this.townMaterial ); //m.scale.set(1, 1, -1 ) m.position.copy(p); this.scene.add(m); //this.spriteMeshs[i] = m; //this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]] = m; }else if(v===2){// elico m = new THREE.Mesh(this.spriteGeo[1], this.townMaterial ); m.position.copy(p); this.scene.add(m); //this.spriteMeshs[i] = m; }else if(v===3){// plane m = new THREE.Mesh(this.spriteGeo[2], this.townMaterial ); m.position.copy(p); this.scene.add(m); //this.spriteMeshs[i] = m; } else { m = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1), this.townMaterial ); m.position.copy(p); this.scene.add(m); //this.spriteMeshs[i] = m; } return m; //this.spriteObjs[this.spriteLists[v]] = m; }, //-----------------------power zone showPower : function(){ if(!powerData) return; var i = powerData.length, pos; /*var j = this.powerMeshs.length; while(j--){ if( !powerData[j] ) this.removePowerMesh(j); }*/ while(i--){ /*if(this.powerMeshs[i] == null) this.addPowerMesh(i, this.findPosition(powerData[i])); else{ pos = this.findPosition(powerData[i]); this.powerMeshs[i].position.set(pos[0], 1, pos[1]); }*/ if(powerData[i]==2){ if(this.powerMeshs[i] == null) this.addPowerMesh(i, this.findPosition(i)); } else if(powerData[i]==1){ if(this.powerMeshs[i] !== null) this.removePowerMesh(i); } } }, addPowerMesh : function(i, ar){ //var m = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5,0.5,0.5), this.powerMaterial ); var py = 0; //if( this.isWithHeight ) py = this.heightData[this.findId(ar[0],ar[1])]; if( this.isWithHeight ) py = this.heightData[ this.findHeightId(ar[0],ar[1])]; var m = new THREE.Sprite( this.powerMaterial ); //m.scale.set( 2, 2, 1 ); m.position.set(ar[0], py+1, ar[1]); this.scene.add(m); this.powerMeshs[i] = m; }, removePowerMesh : function(i){ this.scene.remove(this.powerMeshs[i]); this.powerMeshs[i] = null; }, powerTexture : function() { var c = document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); c.width = c.height = 64; var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,64,64); grd.addColorStop(0.3,"yellow"); grd.addColorStop(1,"red"); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(44,0); ctx.lineTo(10,34); ctx.lineTo(34,34); ctx.lineTo(20,64); ctx.lineTo(54,30); ctx.lineTo(30,30); ctx.lineTo(44,0); ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle="red"; ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = grd; ctx.fill(); var texture = new THREE.Texture(c); texture.needsUpdate = true; return texture; }, // ----------------------- gradTexture : function(color) { var c = document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); c.width = 16; c.height = 256; var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,256); var i = color[0].length; while(i--){ gradient.addColorStop(color[0][i],color[1][i]); } ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.fillRect(0,0,16,256); //this.tint(c); //var texture = new THREE.Texture(c); //texture.needsUpdate = true; return c; }, tint : function(canvas, image, supImage) { var data, i, n; var pixels = canvas.width*canvas.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // draw windows var topData = null; var newImg = null; if(supImage && this.dayTime!==0 && this.dayTime!==1){ ctx.clearRect ( 0 , 0 , canvas.width, canvas.height ); ctx.drawImage(supImage, 0, 0); topData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); data =; i = pixels; while(i--){ n = i<<2; if(data[n+3] !== 0){ if(data[n+0]==0 && data[n+1]==0 && data[n+2]==0){// black data[n+3]=60; } if(data[n+1]==0){ //if(data[n+0]==255 && data[n+1]==0 && data[n+2]==0){// red if(this.dayTime==3) data[n+1]=255; if(this.dayTime==2) {data[n+0]=0; data[n+3]=60;} } } } ctx.putImageData(topData, 0, 0); newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); } if(image){ ctx.clearRect ( 0 , 0 , canvas.width, canvas.height ); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); } else { ctx.drawImage(this.skyCanvasBasic, 0, 0); } if(this.dayTime!==0){ var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); data =; i = pixels; var c = this.tcolor; while(i--){ n = i<<2;//i*4; data[n+0] = data[n+0] * (1-c.a) + (c.r*c.a); data[n+1] = data[n+1] * (1-c.a) + (c.g*c.a); data[n+2] = data[n+2] * (1-c.a) + (c.b*c.a); } ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); if(newImg){ ctx.drawImage(newImg, 0, 0); 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left:110px; top:-7px; font-weight:bold;', true); b2.addEventListener('click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); getEval(); }, false); /*var b3 = this.addButton(this.hub, 'Disaster', [75,16,14], 'position:absolute; left:210px; top:-7px; font-weight:bold;', true); b3.addEventListener('click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _this.openDisaster(); }, false);*/ var b4 = this.addButton(this.hub, 'Exit', [75,16,14], 'position:absolute; left:310px; top:-7px; font-weight:bold;', true); b4.addEventListener('click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _this.openExit(); }, false); var b5 = this.addButton(this.hub, 'About', [75,16,14], 'position:absolute; left:410px; top:-7px; font-weight:bold;', true); b5.addEventListener('click', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); _this.openAbout(); }, false); this.H = []; this.roo = document.createElement('div'); = "position:absolute; bottom:11px; left:10px; width:60px; height:60px; pointer-events:none; transform:rotate(45deg); "; += "-moz-border-radius: 30px; 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font-weight:bold;'; this.population = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size:14px; position:absolute; width:70px; height:19px; bottom:15px; left:180px; text-align:right; font-weight:bold;'; this.score = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size:14px; position:absolute; width:70px; height:19px; bottom:15px; left:410px; text-align:right; font-weight:bold;'; this.msg = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size:14px; letter-spacing:0.02em; position:absolute; width:420px; height:20px; bottom:44px; left:76px; text-align:left; color:'+this.colors[4]+'; font-weight:bold;'; this.hub.appendChild( ); this.hub.appendChild( ); this.hub.appendChild( this.population ); this.hub.appendChild( this.score ); this.hub.appendChild( this.msg ); this.initRCI(); }, updateCITYinfo : function(infos){ = infos[0]; = infos[4]; this.population.innerHTML = infos[3]; this.score.innerHTML = infos[2]; this.msg.innerHTML = infos[8]; this.updateRCI( infos[5], infos[6], infos[7] ); }, //-----------------------------------QUERY //-----------------------------------ALL WINDOW testOpen : function(){ var t = ""; if(this.budgetWindow !== null && this.budgetWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeBudget(); t = 'budget'; } if(this.evaluationWindow !== null && this.evaluationWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeEval(); t = 'evaluation'; } if(this.disasterWindow !== null && this.disasterWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeDisaster(); t = 'disaster'; } if(this.exitWindow !== null && this.exitWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeExit(); t = 'exit'; } if(this.queryWindow !== null && this.queryWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeQuery(); t = 'query'; } if(this.overlaysWindow !== null && this.overlaysWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeOverlays(); t = 'overlays'; } if(this.aboutWindow !== null && this.aboutWindow.className == "open"){ this.closeAbout(); t = 'about'; } return t; }, //-----------------------------------ABOUT WINDOW openAbout : function(data){ var _this = this; var test = this.testOpen(); if(test == 'about') return; if(this.aboutWindow == null){ this.aboutWindow = document.createElement('div'); = this.radius+ 'position:absolute; width:200px; height:210px; pointer-events:none; display:block;'+ this.windowsStyle; this.hub.appendChild( this.aboutWindow ); var bg1 = this.addButton(this.aboutWindow, 'X', [16,16,14], 'position:absolute; left:10px; top:10px;'); bg1.addEventListener('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); _this.closeAbout(); }, false); this.fps = document.createElement('div'); ='position:absolute; top:20px; left:60px; width:120px; height:20px; pointer-events:none; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:'+this.colors[0]+';'; this.aboutWindow.appendChild( this.fps ); = document.createElement('div'); ='position:absolute; top:60px; left:10px; width:180px; height:180px; pointer-events:none; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:'+this.colors[0]+';'; this.aboutWindow.appendChild( ); this.linke = document.createElement('div'); ='position:absolute; top:160px; left:10px; width:180px; height:20px; pointer-events:auto; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:'+this.colors[0]+';'; this.aboutWindow.appendChild( this.linke ); = "3D CITY

All 3d side made by
Simulation from MicropolisJS

More info and source
"; this.linke.innerHTML = ""; } else { = 'block'; } displayStats(); this.aboutWindow.className = "open"; }, upStats : function(fps, memory){ this.fps.innerHTML = 'Fps: '+ fps + '
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