// ECMAScript 5 strict mode /* jshint globalstrict: true*/ /* global SHADOW,onOBJLoaded,THREE,console,BLACK,WHITE,WIREFRAME */ /* * few extension or modification to some three.js functionnality * often to avoid some repetitive tasks */ "use strict"; (function () { var clone = THREE.Texture.prototype.clone; THREE.Texture.prototype.clone = function( texture ) { var newTexture = clone.call(this,texture); // The purpose of all this is to automagically switch this // property to true after cloning. // Since it originally doesn't do it by default newTexture.needsUpdate = true; return newTexture; }; THREE.Texture.prototype.tile = function( factor ) { // because I do that a lot (: this.wrapS = this.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; this.repeat.set(factor,factor); }; })();