2023-10-05 23:28:32 +11:00

198 lines
5.0 KiB

/* global VT */
window.VT = window.VT || {};
VT.AppFlip = function (el, options) {
var enabled = options.initialDelay === 0;
var first;
var level = 0;
// enable animations only after an initial delay
setTimeout(function () {
enabled = true;
}, options.initialDelay || 100);
// take a snapshot before any HTML changes
// do this only for the first beforeFlip event in the current cycle
el.addEventListener('beforeFlip', function () {
if (!enabled) return;
if (++level > 1) return;
first = snapshot();
// take a snapshot after HTML changes, calculate and play animations
// do this only for the last flip event in the current cycle
el.addEventListener('flip', function () {
if (!enabled) return;
if (--level > 0) return;
var last = snapshot();
var toRemove = invertForRemoval(first, last);
var toAnimate = invertForAnimation(first, last);
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
first = null;
// build a snapshot of the current HTML's client rectangles
// includes original transforms and hierarchy
function snapshot() {
var map = new Map();
el.querySelectorAll(options.selector).forEach(function (el) {
var key = el.dataset.key || el;
// parse original transform
// i.e. strip inverse transform using "scale(1)" marker
var transform = el.style.transform
? el.style.transform.replace(/^.*scale\(1\)/, '')
: '';
map.set(key, {
key: key,
el: el,
rect: el.getBoundingClientRect(),
ancestor: null,
transform: transform,
return map;
function resolveAncestors(map) {
map.forEach(function (entry) {
var current = entry.el.parentNode;
while (current && current !== el) {
var ancestor = map.get(current.dataset.key || current);
if (ancestor) {
entry.ancestor = ancestor;
current = current.parentNode;
// reinsert removed elements at their original position
function invertForRemoval(first, last) {
var toRemove = [];
first.forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry.el.classList.contains('_noflip')) return;
if (!needsRemoval(entry)) return;
entry.el.style.position = 'fixed';
entry.el.style.left = entry.rect.left + 'px';
entry.el.style.top = entry.rect.top + 'px';
entry.el.style.width = entry.rect.right - entry.rect.left + 'px';
entry.el.style.transition = 'none';
entry.el.style.transform = '';
return toRemove;
function needsRemoval(entry) {
if (entry.ancestor && needsRemoval(entry.ancestor)) {
return false;
return !last.has(entry.key);
// set position of moved elements to their original position
// or set opacity to zero for new elements to appear nicely
function invertForAnimation(first, last) {
var toAnimate = [];
last.forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry.el.classList.contains('_noflip')) return;
if (entry.appear) {
entry.el.style.transition = 'none';
entry.el.style.opacity = '0';
} else if (entry.deltaX !== 0 || entry.deltaY !== 0) {
// set inverted transform with "scale(1)" marker, see above
entry.el.style.transition = 'none';
entry.el.style.transform =
'translate(' +
entry.deltaX +
'px, ' +
entry.deltaY +
'px) scale(1) ' +
return toAnimate;
// calculate inverse transform relative to any animated ancestors
function calculate(entry) {
if (entry.calculated) return;
entry.calculated = true;
var b = first.get(entry.key);
if (b) {
entry.deltaX = b.rect.left - entry.rect.left;
entry.deltaY = b.rect.top - entry.rect.top;
if (entry.ancestor) {
entry.deltaX -= entry.ancestor.deltaX;
entry.deltaY -= entry.ancestor.deltaY;
} else {
entry.appear = true;
entry.deltaX = 0;
entry.deltaY = 0;
// play remove animations and remove elements after timeout
function remove(entries) {
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
entry.el.style.transition = '';
entry.el.style.opacity = '0';
setTimeout(function () {
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry.el.parentNode) {
}, options.removeTimeout);
// play move/appear animations
function animate(entries) {
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
entry.el.style.transition = '';
entry.el.style.transform = entry.transform;
entry.el.style.opacity = '';